
Mindful witnessing

Between now, and the solar eclipse in two weeks, wise counsel suggests mindful witnessing of the changes, resulting from this most recent lunar eclipse. Receiving that guidance, yesterday I witnessed a subcontractor power washing our deck just when I wanted it most, My desire arose in the morning as I saw evidence of a trespasser having been on our deck in the form of drug paraphernalia left behind, a receipt from QFC before closing time and water from our hose indicating its use in the night.

I’d strategized to put up our no trespassing signs at night, removal of our soft cushions from the deck chairs, and leaving the porch light on to deter any further trespassing. This morning all is clear. I am mindful of the synchronicity of the power washing.

What do you notice when you mindfully witness? Can you see the miracles around you of synchronicities and coincidences showing you the way forward? Ki to Happiness listens to wise counsel and observes miracles.


Energy Shift

After yesterday‘s trifecta of full moon, its closest point to the Earth, making it appear super size, as well as the lunar eclipse, the lunar energy has shifted. Depending on how the energy was used, you may awaken into a fresh world of possibilities. Having let go of expectations and outmoded ways of being, what remains is fundamental to the way forward.

If instead, the energy used you, you may awaken discombobulated, distressed and otherwise flummoxed. It’s OK. You can still correct your course today and tomorrow so as to turn the challenges into opportunities, resulting in blessings instead of hard lessons.

What has this full moon reflected to you? Can you take your lessons and turn them into blessings by seeing the opportunities within your challenges? Ki to Happiness works with natural rhythms without hesitation. 


Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

The energy has been building to today’s full moon. For those of us who can see it, the spectacle will occur this evening when the moon is nearest the Earth and the earth’s shadow partially obscures its light. With clear skies, it likely will appear in a deep red color which is often referred to as blood.

The full moon in September is usually called the harvest moon.  It reflects to us all that we have been growing through the summer.  The eclipse component rewards us for sorting our harvest, letting go of the fruits of our labor which have failed, rotted or otherwise are undesirable.

What have you harvested from your summer’s efforts? Can you sort through your bounty and let go of that which is undesirable for preservation? Ki to Happiness preserves the truth of her efforts as she sorts through the outcomes.


Almost full

The day before the full moon, I often experience sleep disturbance. Especially with the eclipse tomorrow and the super moon, I feel the pull like the tides. The images revealed to me in my dreams let me know what I need to let go of.

Taking action on these nudgings will make for a better nights’ rest tonight. The Sutras of Patanjali indicate that working with dream images is another way to enlightenment. Giving thanks for them deepens my integration of levels of consciousness, bringing my body, mind and spirit together.

Do you remember your dreams? Can you receive their messages and work with them for integration? Ki to Happiness reflects on dreams revealed with the almost full moon.


Ruth’s Screen

I went to a neighbor’s yard sale in the rain yesterday. I had it all to myself, with tarps covering all the items laid out thoughtfully. I found a couple of items and knocked on their door to offer payment.

The elderly couple took my cash and helped me bring the large trifold screen to HYC in their van as I carried the cookie jar in my hands. The man helped me unload as he began to share with me the story of his neighbor, Ruth, who painted the screen. Today, I’ll go back and hear the rest of the story, perhaps with a a cup of tea, and no more rain.

Have you repurposed other peoples’ treasures?  Can you take the time to hear the backstory? Ki to Happiness treasures Ruth’s screen, repurposes it as a room divider, and imagines the story of the hands that painted it.


Phishing Reported

I received a couple of alerts on my phone yesterday that my data had been breached regarding my bank account. I tried my best to check it out on my own and couldn’t tell whether it was real or not. I had the time to go directly to the bank and get their assistance.

I learned other ways to research the issue as the bankers taught me their methods. Having faced my fears, avoided procrastination, and asked for help, I left the bank satisfied, safe and educated. I reported the phishing and have broadened my skill set, with my head held high and my breath free and deep like I tell my yoga students. 

How gracefully can you deal with threats? Who do you turn to when you need help? Ki to Happiness practices what she preaches, gets help as soon as possible and expresses gratitude instead of procrastinating.


Friday the 13th

While some are superstitious about Friday the 13th, I observe it as a day of empowerment. We know there are 13 full moon cycles in a year, and that fertile females cycle 13 times in a year. Numerologist consider 13 a significant number of manifestation.

Instead of fearing the power of fertility and natural rhythms, we can learn to work with them. It’s wise to protect oneself from those who are afraid since we wish to manifest safety, progress and peace. Through unbiased science, fact and truth we become informed, courageous and wise.

What superstitions were you raised with? Through researching unbiased, uncaptured science what have you learned? Ki to Happiness grows informed and empowered through independent research and safely aligns with natural rhythms. 


Friday the 13th

While some are superstitious about Friday the 13th, I observe it as a day of empowerment. We know there are 13 full moon cycles in a year, and that fertile females cycle 13 times in a year. Numerologist consider 13 a significant number of manifestation.

Instead of fearing the power of fertility and natural rhythms, we can learn to work with them. It’s wise to protect oneself from those who are afraid since we wish to manifest safety, progress and peace. Through unbiased science, fact and truth we become informed, courageous and wise.

What superstitions were you raised with? Through researching unbiased, uncaptured science what have you learned? Ki to Happiness grows informed and empowered through independent research and safely aligns with natural rhythms. 


Powers On

Yesterday afternoon we lost power before my evening classes. I reported it on our neighborhood group page as well as City Light. I hadn’t eaten my dinner yet, so I had to resort to a snack of crackers and dips from the fridge.

My greatest concerns were for my evening classes which I could hold without lights or fans, but not live stream as my device had little battery power left. The power turned back on after about 45 minutes. Relieved, I posted the good news, whomped up pizza dinner for Bob and plugged in my live streaming device to charge it up, just in case. The students arrived and we gratefully continued as scheduled, thankful that the “scheduled system test” didn’t interfere with our practice.

Can you give thanks for your basic things: power, water, shelter, and clothing? What are your back up plans when infrastructure fails? Ki to Happiness is grateful for the basic infrastructure on which we rely and plans for backing it up with candles and charged batteries.


Slant Boards

With the presidential debate last night, my evening class had just two students. They were open to experimenting with slant boards as a way to passively invert during practice. It was the first time to use Bob’s invention from 1980 in our present location.

When not in use as intended, the slant boards serve as our entryway bench. The students were surprised to see me break down the bench and turn it into the prop for them to use. Without debate, both loved the effect of safely turning their world upside down and changing the gravitational effect on familiar postures.

What practices help you look at your life from a different perspective? How safely could you turn your world upside down? Ki to Happiness inverts daily with or without props to benefit body mind and spirit.