
Independence Day

Today we observe our nation’s birthday. By breaking free of England, we set the trajectory towards democracy in a republic. While it is not a perfect system, it continues to inspire others in this direction.

Traveling extensively during my 30s I learned to appreciate the USA more. The blue passport opened the globe for me to learn from other cultures. I am forever grateful for the multiple freedoms our constitution and Bill of Right insure, even as I’ve integrated the blessing from experiencing other forms of government.

What do you appreciate about the USA? How will you celebrate today? Ki to Happiness offers private sessions and yoga classes independent of fireworks or BBQs.


Consistent Practices

There are many daily habits I have cultivated in my life. Slow and steady practice is advised by the yoga sutras for progress along the path. Following those recommendations has resulted in balanced energy moving me forward as an agent of service to the One in All. 

In addition to brushing and flossing my teeth, I pray in my bathtub surrounded by crystals, amplifying my intentions, following my morning rituals of chanting mantra, Pranayama, meditation, and asana as well as writing, walking later in the day. I’ve decided to add another daily practice so that I improve my guitar skills.  My wrist is healed enough that I can resume playing, I’ve got a new instrument, and an ongoing desire to accompany myself to sing the praises of what’s good and right.

What would you like to get better at? Can you find time to consistently practice? Ki to Happiness constantly practices slow and steady effort to a principle as recommended by the sutras.


Free Gifts

Recently, the issue of gift giving reemerged in a private session. The recipient of a generous gift is hearing that the gift giver is talking negatively about her, “after all (I’ve) given”, as if there were strings attached. No exchange or strings were ever agreed to.

This points out the importance of being absolutely clear about gifts. Once they are given freely, the recipient is to do whatever is desirable-use, regift, store or recycle. Free from conditions, the love that was intended in the gift can be received. 

How free are the gifts you give? How open are you to receiving love? Ki to Happiness remembers all that we give, we give to ourselves.


Welcome July

Our new month starts with a new week. Summer’s freshness abounds. USA’s birthday is just around the corner.

Yoga offers us tools with which to celebrate our independence responsibly. As we align our bodies and breathe consciously, we become free of conditioned reactions so we can consciously choose our responses. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali refer to this responsibility as the great obligation

How well do you balance freedom with responsibility? Can you embrace the great obligation? Ki to Happiness chooses independence from unconscious conditioning with the conscious ability to respond (responsibility).


White Sundresses

After teaching classes yesterday morning, I walked to a neighbor’s yard sale. I wanted to support the young kids who were letting go of some of their stuff along with their elders. I found a homemade chakra bracelet, lip gloss and two white sundresses to purchase.

Walking home with my items, I smiled, mentally rehearsing wearing these items when Junuary ends. I imagined what those kids might do with their $8. I never have that thought when I purchase retail, discount, or thrift. 

Are you ready for Junuary’s end?  In preparing for Independence Day what simple purchases might make you and others smile? Ki to Happiness thanks Junuary for its blessings and welcomes July.


New fridge

Our landlords have come through for us. They gave permission for the property managers to install a new fridge. It arrived yesterday and is quietly doing its job now.

When we first moved in nearly 2 years ago, I noticed the loud sound the fridge cyclically made. I was concerned that it wouldn’t last long, becoming a problem which it did. Now that it is all resolved, I look forward to laying in some more summertime supplies without concern of melting or spoiling. 

When problems are resolved, how quickly can you celebrate? Can you let go of the story to embrace the resolution? Ki to Happiness celebrates with cool drinks and frozen nondairy deserts.


Dr. Wang

I returned to pay Dr. Wang for herbs and the acupuncture treatment I’d already received.  Arriving in his parking lot, I noticed four broken planes of glass in his windows that weren’t there the day before. He greeted me warmly, heard about my improvements from his treatment and took my money.

As he shared with me the way the windows had been broken, we waited together for the cops to come. They were busy with nine of the other store fronts that also suffered property damage. In compassion for this business owner, healer and neighbor, I paid in advance for future treatments to offset the trauma and loss of being victimized. 

How safe is your neighborhood?  How can you best support those who help you? Ki to Happiness extends safety to those helpers who are in need.


Miracles abound

There had been a little log jam of energy that has now shifted. Astrology described it in its particular language. Being fluent in that language helped me not take it personally and empowered me to do my part, patiently acting on Higher Guidance.

My new acupuncturist helped energy flow through my wrist, as I learned of successful legal conclusions for one of my friends, health improvements in our studio manager, and positive vibrations regarding my upcoming trip to visit mom. These miracles compounded with former clients returning to my caseload, long-term students resuming attendance at the studio, and helpful customer service regarding recurrent digital charges. I awaken to clearer eyes with which to observe these miracles.

When energy is stuck, what helps it move again? When energy is flowing, how quickly can you let go of the story about the previous blockage? Ki to Happiness helps energy move by following Higher Guidance revealed in meditation and starts looking for abounding miracles.


Railing Yoga

The gorgeous summer evening drew my class outside. Students wanted to be close to the open windows after being cooped up all day inside. One of them requested work at our barre.

I suggested we use the railing on our deck as our barre to which they readily agreed. After our ritual beginning with sun salutations and a few postures for warming up, we took mats outside and got set up. I turned the camera around, so I could continue on our live streaming Facebook group page, too.

How adaptable is your yoga practice? Are you flexible enough to change your location for practice? Ki to Happiness adapts service with flexibility. 



Stellar Jays

As the Juncos have concluded their nesting season, their morning birdsong has been replaced by the Stellar Jays. Our cats watch safely from inside as the magnificent black and blue birds eat seeds. These visitations enhance my morning practice.

Nearby, there are coyotes and raccoons. Together, all the wildlife makes me more committed to keeping our cats indoors. My morning practice is a safe space for all of us to greet the day without conflict in the food chain.

How safe is your space? Who might visit you as you take precautions? Ki to Happiness plays it safe for wild and domestic creatures alike.