
Fallen Roses

On our neighborhood walks, I’ve noticed neglected rosebushes with blossoms fallen onto the ground. Bob and I trim those before they are ruined and spread their grace along our path to the Hatha Yoga Center. Yesterday’s haul included sprays of orange roses now standing tall in a vase, a couple yellow beauties in a bud vase and several white blossoms floating in a bowl. 

This wild Irish Rose appreciates these gifts from our neighbors who never tend the bushes in their commercial parking lot. They’ve got other concerns than deadheading the rose bushes. The remaining blooms receive all the life essence without the fallen roses continuing to draw life from roots and limbs.

What do you notice on your neighborhood walks? Is there some part of nature that you can assist? Ki ti Happiness stops to the smell the roses and sometimes deadheads those that have fallen in neglect, giving new life to them as they grace our space.


Surprise Smiles

In each of my classes yesterday, long-standing community members returned after a lengthy absence. The surprise brought smiles and heartfelt hugs. That joy infused our practice.

New students also attended together with many regulars. Each had hurdles to overcome in order to make it out to class. I, too, had to overcome the hurdle of a broken fridge, walking away from it to be present for the surprise smiles.

What hurdles do you face to get to your practices? What surprises await you? Ki to Happiness welcomes all with smiles.


Watermelon and Sparklers

I spoke with my good girlfriend on her 68th birthday. She found her way to celebrate with her favorites. Being a summer solstice baby. she prefers watermelon and sparklers to cake and candles.

Amazing to hear her sound joyful and happy again. She’s recently lost her other bestie and takes care of her elders as they navigate their descent in the so called health care system. Her laughter and gaiety on her special day is a testament to her resilience and fortitude.

What qualities do your dear friends exhibit? What do they appreciate about you? Ki to Happiness is drawn to those who embrace life’s challenges with fortitude and resilience.


International Yoga Day

This Capricorn full moon lands on International Yoga Day (IYD). At Hatha Yoga Center, everyday is IYD. We celebrate our diverse collection of students, often with representatives of the four corners of the earth and every spiritual affiliation in one class.

Last night, an Indian woman in our class informed us of her decision to join our independent yoga teacher training program. The Jordanian man, Moroccan woman, Indian man, and Japanese girl applauded her announcement as others already in our program welcomed her. Full moon, full sun and full classes are all celebrating our diverse community.

How will you observe this full moon? What yoga can you practice on this IYD? Ki to Happiness observes contentment as a yoga practice today, and everyday, here and everywhere.


Summer’s here

As the Pacific Northwest welcomes Summer, others are sweltering in record-breaking heat. Our temperatures are warming up into the upper 70s, which makes it perfect to expose a little flesh to the benevolent Sun. Our 16 hours of sunlight today illuminates our beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers.

Some of our students are having a hard time acclimatizing to the warmer temperatures. One had to take a break during class to drink water and rest a bit. In Saudi Arabia at the Hajj, pilgrims are reeling in 125 degrees with 1500 missing, 900 at least of them have perished.

How much do you like the heat? Do you know what practices are cooling? Ki to Happiness cools down in the heat with Crow beak breathing, uses Fire bellows breathing when needing to warm up and prays for others who are suffering.


Tumultuous Times

Last evening, Bob and I watched an uplifting video from Charles Eisenstein regarding these tumultuous times. In it, he highlights the importance of rising above the conflicts, illness, disease, and dis ease and choose forgiveness, peace, health and kindness. He demonstrates that in his humble and free offering.

Jesus refers to that when he says turn the other cheek. The great Persian oracle Hafiz writes the same sentiment in his poem entitledI have come into the world to see this” in the 14th century. A Course in Miracles teaches how to practice this principle in the modern era, like Charles.

How quickly can you forgive? In the midst of tumult, what practices help you choose peace instead? Ki to Happiness practices Hatha Yoga, spiritual reading, and sees the thread connecting all paths through all times to this principle.


Healing Time

I worked with a lovely client yesterday who is taking her time healing. In doing so, others around her are also healing. Her family, friends, clients and students are learning from her the importance of letting healing take all the time it needs. 

At the end of our remote session, I flashed her my wrist. Tomorrow will mark my six month anniversary since I broke it. Even as we heal on one level, we still have lots to offer others on other levels.

What level of healing do you need? What can you offer on other levels? Ki to Happiness enjoys offering what is possible while continuing to heal.


Spring into Summer

This last Monday of Spring begins dark and rainy. I’m preparing for Summer’s start anyway. I’ve changed out our bedding for warmer temperatures and put away the heavy blankets, coats and boots.

Bob appreciates these rituals as part of our Father’s Day observances. He rested after his morning of teaching. I encouraged him to do exactly as he wanted on the holiday which included favorite foods, time in the sunshine, and his movie choice.

Even though it feels like winter, are you preparing for summer? Do you have the faith that warmer and brighter days are coming? Ki to Happiness Springs into Summer.


Happy Father’s Day

Hatha Yoga Center wishes everyone a happy Father’s Day by continuing to offer regularly scheduled classes by Bob Smith. He is the father of this oldest yoga studio in Seattle. He is also the father of a fine young man who took us to lunch yesterday.

The cats and I already presented our gifts and card to Bob. He appreciated all that we’ve done for him, and may go golfing today after he teaches. Whatever he wants to do, I support in honor of all the good dads who are doing their best as representatives of Divine Father.

How will you observe this Father’s Day?  Who is the best representative of Divine Father in your life? Ki to Happiness offers every morning practice to Divine Father-Mother in an effort to be a better and better representative.


Dreams realized

In celebrating my 41 years as a therapist, I remembered the dream that motivated my career path. As a kid, I thought that if I became a therapist, I would be able to feel better and help others feel better, too. Realizing that dream helped me dream other dreams.

One by one, as we realize our dreams, we evolve. We become more confident about our ability to manifest our truest desires. Ultimately, all of our truest desires lead to the desire within each of us to unite with the Creator in our acts of creation.

What dreams have you realized? Which dreams do you still need to manifest? Ki to Happiness realizes Union through the principles and practices of Hatha Yoga.