
Pjs and fresh face

After my morning practice, I checked my phone and found a client’s text.  She incorrectly believed we were to have a private session. I called her immediately to tell her we were booked for today, but I would rally although I was in my PJs without any make up on. 

We got right to work remotely on my phone. My lack of professional appearance didn’t interfere with our session at all. Today is my 41st anniversary of conducting such sessions which equipped me with all I needed to provide such service.

What is needed for you to provide your service?  Do your morning practices prepare you well for whatever your day requires? Ki to Happiness readys herself with Hatha Yoga.



Not only did Bob’s sister and new man come to visit, but also one of the cousins. Sitting together at a local restaurant, we all easily chatted and shared pictures from our phones. Talking about family members who are no longer with us, it felt like they all showed up at our table. 

In my own family of origin, those who have passed away are alive and well inside my memory. When my brother and I get together with one of our cousins in St.Louis, we all fit together like puppies from the same litter. These relationships, renewed, bring the past to life. 

What’s your relationship with your cousins? What renews your sense of family? Ki to Happiness cherishes her memories and is happy to make some fresh ones.


Family Visit

Today, Bob’s sister comes to visit from Texas. She’ll introduce us to her new man friend, see our live work space and have lunch. In all these years of being part of this family, this is a first.

I’ve reserved my energy for that purpose alone. I have coverage for tonight’s classes and rescheduled my appointments. I intend to be completely present to witness and participate in the healing potential this visit affords. 

How often do you see your in-laws?  What changes do you need to make to be with them? Ki to Happiness takes the day off, but not from yoga practices.


Lung capacity

One of our long-term students gifted us the book entitled Breath. Reading it makes me so happy to have focused on my breath through yoga. Each day I begin my morning practices with attention to conscious breathing, increasing my lung capacity.

Setting a rhythm of balancing inhale with exhale first thing in the morning, means I’m more likely to keep a steady and balanced breath throughout my day. With balanced breath, I am more emotionally and physically stable.  Scientific research now shows that balancing the breath increases lung capacity and prolongs ones life.

Can you get up a few minutes earlier each day to consciously breathe? Are you willing to give yourself the gift of increased lung capacity? Ki to Happiness breathes and smiles.



I like to spend as much time outside as possible in this weather.  Talking with my brother, sipping tea, I ate my breakfast on a picnic table behind our building. Lunch smoothies with Bob on our deck gives us a a chance for a little more sunshine to add to the fresh air from practicing yoga in both of his classes with the windows open.

After our bike ride to a nearby park, I ate my dinner alfresco.  At the end of the day, I drank my warm before bed concoction while watering our container garden. We closed our open windows for safety as I reflected on the many ways to live outdoors and sleep indoors.

How much time do you spend in nature? Can you dine alfresco at home? Ki to Happiness connects with nature in as many ways as possible in this urban setting.


Shorts weather

After teaching both classes yesterday morning, I took a walk in our neighborhood to check out a couple of yard sales. I changed into my black shorts and exposed my skin to the elements. Cloudy but warm, my skin opened to take in the day.

Although I found nothing of interest in my neighbors’ humble offerings, I’m glad I had the time to go look. Friendly smiles, and this simple ritual of the season brought me joy and delight.  My 63-year-old legs served me well enough to walk my desire around the neighborhood. 

What delights you in this season? Can you find joy in simple rituals? Ki to Happiness satisfies desires easily close to home.


Keep practicing

I watched an inspirational video yesterday sent to me by a beloved community member. One of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s clients miraculously healed from stage four cancer and shared her story. She made a strong point that her healing came about from taking complete responsibility for her health.

Her primary method of doing so required she continue practicing meditation. Just like stated in the Yoga Sutras, she kept practicing against all odds. Her healing inspires our own, as we deepen our commitment to yoga.

What keeps you practicing meditation? Can you take full responsibility for your healing? Ki to Happiness keeps practicing Hatha Yoga, meditating and taking full responsibility for body mind spirit integration.



I returned from my dental cleaning appointment on my e-bike. My chosen route ran me right into Bob as he was beginning to take his afternoon walk. The impromptu rendezvous brought big smiles to both of our faces as we greeted one another.

I shared with him some of my impressions of having returned from our old neighborhood. Piles of trash stinking up the alleys, a lot of broken out windows boarded up after the most recent rampage of one drug addled vagrant, security guards and measures to protect the banks and businesses all made us more grateful for our present location. The joy of running into one another overshadowed all of those descriptions.

What’s it like when you return to your old neighborhood? How grateful are you for where you are now? Ki to Happiness appreciates the gift of the joyous rendezvous with my partner especially as we reflect on our good fortune of being here now, leaving the past behind.


Challenge Met

My bank recently sent me a couple of booklets in the mail. On the outside, they said enclosed were all the changes coming. I felt a stress reaction, still leftover from the COVID lockdowns when our society closed down all but essential businesses.

Instead of further stressing myself by reading the booklet or going in to speak with my bank, I simply called. In less than a minute, I was completely reassured that the changes will not affect me at all. Together with my familiar bank representative, we wondered why waste so much paper, planned to recycle it, and breathed freely, healing a bit more from the trauma of March 2020.

What stress challenge are you facing? How can you best meet that challenge without making it any worse? Ki to Happiness heals and evolves with assistance to meet stress.


Choose again

One of our students reached out with our problematic housing situation. He is repulsed by his roommate. With a history of physical violence, he’s afraid of what he might do. 

I suggested he attend class. With a healthy body and a clear mind, his emotions calmed down. Choosing yoga practice gave him a chance to see that he is free to choose again: different living situation, roommate, hours at work, extra job, whatever it takes to live peacefully. 

What empowers you to choose again? With calm emotions, a clear mind and healthy body what choice is preferable? Ki to Happiness chooses yoga practice again and again.,