
22 years

One of our community members said long ago about her 50 year marriage that she’d been married to several different men in that time. Those words put into perspective some of the changes we’ve been through in our marriage. Staying committed to marriage is a choice I make daily, as both my husband and I change.

We celebrate our ability to support one another through 22 years. We thank our community for its role in our commitment. We choose each other and our practices again and again.,

What have you continued to choose for 22 years? What helps you keep your commitments? Ki to Happiness chooses to stay committed to that which supports Highest values. 


Cat visitor

This morning, a Siamese cat came to visit us again. All three of our indoor cats responded differently to the previous visitation.  Today, when the Siamese aggressed, jumping at our screen, our 3 again showed different reactions to that behavior. 

I was in the middle of my practices when I yelped out at the aggression.  My challenge was to see how quickly I could recover from the alarm. In doing so, I witnessed my cats’ very different approaches to recovery.

How do you recover? Do you fight, flee or collapse? Ki to Happiness recovers quickly and resumes the ability to socially interact.


Flower Moon

During this three day window of the Flower Moon, I’ve been celebrating with flowers inside our space as well as outside on our deck. Some of the flowers from Mother’s Day, I have converted into flower bowls, like I learned to do in Bali. I showed my students yesterday, and one of them was inspired to do the same for her home. 

She sent me a picture of her flowers, floating in a bowl. It brought me a great joy to see my humble offering inspiring the same in another. Soon we will have even more flowers for our upcoming anniversary. 

How is this Flower Moon treating you? Can you offer some flowers to it, for all the beauty this time of years graces our lives with? Ki to Happiness is inspired by flowers and inspires others with flowers.


Full moon magic

Today’s full moon gives us a report card of how well we have stayed true to our intentions which were set a couple of weeks ago. If we didn’t consciously set intentions, we might be surprised at what comes back to us today. If we did, we might find the magic manifesting in our lives.

So far, my morning has been magical. My practices bring me into my heart of hearts. There I find unconditional love and willingness to serve another day.

How magical is your morning? In receiving today’s full moon report card, what is the feedback you are receiving? Ki to Happiness wishes you all the magic that comes from setting intentions and staying true to them.


Sit to stand

As my girlfriend tends to her hospitalized mother, I reflect on the benefit of yoga for all ages.  At age 94, she fell down and wasn’t found for 24+ hours. She’s rehabbing now, relearning how to stand up from a seated position. 

My mother works on her strength and balance so that she can continue to live alone at home unassisted. With her physical therapist, she is improving.  In our classes, we always work toward independent living throughout the lifespan, in these most rudimentary ways.

If you fell down, could you get back up? From a seated position, are you able to simply stand back on your own 2 feet without assistance? Ki to Happiness keeps her strength and balance as she grows into her elder years with Hatha Yoga.


Corpus Callosum

I heard from one of my best girlfriends today that she has resumed her artwork. I’m thrilled for her to activate that part of her brain again. She spent a long time using all the other parts.

It’s so important that we creatively express ourselves as well as navigate our world rationally.  As we utilize both hemispheres of the brain, we thicken the connection between the two in the corpus callosum. Hatha Yoga practice also helps with practices of body mind spirit integration.

How rational are you? Do you allow yourself time to be creative? Ki to Happiness strengthens the internal connections between both faculties through Hatha Yoga.


Invigorated and inspired

I begin this new week uplifted from our weekend. Having a little time off gave me a chance to prepare for the week even though we had a date to see Vocal Point. The performance demonstrated the growth and development attained by the artists’ hard work.

We returned to a full pot of vegan pho for dinner. I put away my concert attire in my freshly weeded and organized closet. We got to bed early enough to start this day before dawn in gratitude for our many blessings.

What invigorates and inspires you? Can you use that upliftment to infuse your life? Ki to Happiness is ready for another Monday, still humming from the concert.


Vocal Point

Today we will accompany one of our community members to his son’s final concert with Vocal Point. I’ve known this young man since before he was born. I celebrate witnessing his growth and development as he prepares to graduate from high school.

I do so championing my own voice. I’ll use it to cheer him on, to sing with the audience when we are to participate and to congratulate him when it’s over.  College may insist he use his voice for other purposes during the next four years.

How do you use your voice? Can you use it to encourage someone else to use theirs? Ki to Happiness uses her voice to encourage others to use theirs.


Cool rain

As we get closer to Junuary, the cool rains return. I awakened hearing its gentle patter on our deck. I’m glad our flowers are getting a drink without needing me to water so the junco’s nest is undisturbed.

The cats and I get in our positions during morning yoga practice as we enjoy the fresh air with windows open. We listen to the sounds of the morning as they frame the still silence. Soon my solo chanting will be joined by the students arriving as we set our intentions.


How does the cool rain serve your practice? What remains consistent in your life as the weather and many other things change? Ki to Happiness practices daily in all kinds of weather with the constancy of changing circumstances.


Quiet Voice

I’m aware of many circumstances that quiet my voice. Other people’s opinions of what I say, how I write, or speak can threaten my expression. With practice, I allow myself to share my voice anyway.

The ink in my pen continues to flow, if for myself alone. Sometimes I sing to my cats. I blog as a way to let the world know that I am here, continuing to offer my essence to the world, anyway.

What quiets your voice? What keeps you from being silenced? Ki to Happiness sings, writes and speaks in a quiet voice rather than be silenced.