

In the past month I have been blessed by reconnecting with three of my primary teachers. My Reiki master, psychotherapeutic supervisor, and dance choreographer all continue to inspire me.

Each has contributed to my offering of mixed healing arts. My yoga teachers live inside my heart. Together, integrating the best of these paths, I continue to practice and teach.

What renews you? Who inspires your path? Ki to Happiness is renewed.


Good report card

Many of you have read that I’ve been using the Covid restriction time to work on my memoir. I got my report card yesterday from my writing coach about my progress. I am thrilled with both the constructive suggestions and the positive feedback.

It has become a whole new book. What began over 30 years ago is beginning to take on a life of its own. While it is not what I planned, it gives me a good chance to make use of all of my planning efforts.

Can you detach from the outcome of your plans? Are you able to live in the joy of planning anyway? Ki to Happiness know we plan and God laughs.



Over 30 years ago I was introduced to Reiki. I found benefit from the balancing energy which assisted my right knee. I chose to become an instrument of this balancing energy. My master attuned me through each level. 14 years ago I become a Master myself.

Tomorrow, I return to confer with my master about particular issues present today. On this New Moon, I set intentions for respect and honor for she who has so affected and influenced my life. I feel blessed with the miracle of having met her, and the ability to work with her for decades.

To whom do you turn with your questions? Are those who have inspired you still among us? Ki to Happiness intends to share the bounty of blessings and lessons of this reunion with all.



Thank you readers for 10,000 views of my blog site. It’s been 780 consecutive days for me of posting here. Mastery is attained by 10,000 efforts. Steady, consistent efforts are the way of the yogic path.

I am safely back in Seattle. My steady consistent efforts go with me wherever I go. I feel the joys of homecoming: to my beloved Hatha Yoga Center, and my partner and our cats. I share these joys with you here now.

What have you done 10,000 times? What would you like to master? Ki to Happiness encourages steady consistent efforts toward your hearts desires.


All Souls

Today is the third celebration in a row regarding issues of death and life. Dark and light. Those dearly beloved souls who have exited in the last year are to be remembered. As are all the souls who have pre-deceased us.

I have lost two dear ones this past year. I honored them both daily since their passing until this day. Now they are feted and released, ever toward their essence.

Who have you lost this year? Can you take a moment and remember yourself to them today, joining your essence with their essence? Ki to Happiness reMembers Spiritwalker and Tim, essential brothers on my path.


All Saints

All the festivities of Halloween clear the energetic space for today. Having exorcised the shadow, what remains is the light. Those sanctified beings who have miraculously manifested Light are to be honored.

In all cultures, there are those being who intercede on behalf of the needy when petitioned. At all times there have been those of us with such needs. When I reach my very human limitations, I remember to reach out and up for such assistance.

To whom do you turn with your needs? How readily do you acknowledge your limits? Ki to Happiness finds limitless assistance from the Saints of all paths.


Holy Eve

At this spooky time of year with increasing darkness and dropping temperatures it helps to remember light and warmth will return. Like at the time of death, it helps to have a sense of continuity of our energy, beyond the grave.

Cultures around the world observe these natural realities differently. What unites us is the need for reassurance. As we join together in what is common, we find the holiness we seek.

How will you observe this Halloween? What helps you remember that aspect of yourself which is eternal, cyclic, full of light and warmth? Ki to Happiness celebrates with yoga.


Walking it off

Once I was on the back of a motorcycle in Bali when we went down. I had just enough sense of the impending moment that I was able to walk out of the incident, off the bike, onto safety.

Yesterday there was a need to employ that same strategy to deal with a different challenge. I got an email from home saying it had again been violated by an intruder. After making every effort possible from this distance, I took a long walk.

How do you get stress out of your body? Are you able to walk it off? Ki to Happiness breathes, and aligns as she walks it off.



With my rental car for one last day I set off on my old familiar route to my junior high. I’m sure I could’ve walked it directly, but with the road construction and road blocks, I got lost.

I started back over and found my way. In between, I witnessed fear arise in me. It gave me a chance to love that part of me that in the cold dark wet, driving on country roads feels afraid.

When’s the last time you tried to drive past your junior high? Could you find your way or did you get lost? Ki to Happiness loves the lost scared parts within.



We learned yesterday that my dad‘s excessive itching is a symptom of kidney failure. Together with heart failure, one by one his organs are letting us know that he is shutting down. As he’s 96, we all take it in stride.

Helping him find comfort, we let go of any efforts to run from this truth. There will not be any heroics. No dialysis or looking for organ replacements. Instead, some otc remedies as the steroids kick in.

Have you appreciated your organs lately? Can you take a moment to recognize them and their contribution to your comfort? Ki to Happiness appreciates each body part.