

As the Olympics continue, Simone Biles shocked the world by withdrawing. After a series of minor errors, she lost confidence. Without trust in her abilities she felt it was unsafe to continue.

With grace, she stood in her truth as she told everyone. With her warm-up suit on, she immediately shifted into the number one cheerleader for her team. Encouraging and coaching from the sidelines, she shared all she had left.

Have you ever had to withdraw from a huge commitment? Were you graceful? Ki to Happiness give Simone Biles another Gold medal for standing in her truth.


3 year olds

Today we mark the birth of our three cats three years ago. Their little furry bodies cried out in hunger, abandoned and alone in a barn. The Farmer’s wife who had the barn contacted her brother, our veterinarian. He reached out to me and we sealed the deal. We would take them on.

They have completely earned their keep. We don’t have a need to employ them as Mousers. Instead they’ve been fully employed as our quarantine mates through the entire pandemic. Earlier, they were simply in training. We didn’t realize for what.

What did you take on three years ago that helped you make it through this pandemic? How might you celebrate that? Ki to Happiness honors all quarantine mates!


Judge not

I learned yesterday that an old friend of mine from high school is hospitalized with Covid. He was vaccinated twice. Later on I heard from an old yoga buddy. He said “ if all those stupid people would take the vaccination we would be through this.”

I hold the space to love others as they are. Vaccinated and hospitalized, or unvaccinated and healthy, as well as all other possibilities. Also opinionated and projecting or quietly hold one’s own counsel. All of us are children of the same mother-father God who equally loves each and every one of us.

How do you like being judged? Can you free yourself from self judgement. Ki to Happiness judges not so that I may not be judged.


Flower vendor

Yesterday’s trip to the farmers market required no tears. Lively jazz music filled the air as folks milled about selecting produce, kids slurped natural popsicles and dogs sniffed each other’s private parts.

I noticed a young hippie girl selling tiny flowers by the stem. I loved the way she delighted in each different blossom. As she took her time arranging an inspired bouquet, I strolled through each stall. Cherries! Enough to share. Now my custom bouquet graces my altar on this special day of celebrating Saints James and Christopher.

Can you delight in each blossom? Which Simple pleasures are your best? Ki to Happiness shares the cherries.



Like millions of others, we watched the Olympic opening ceremonies yesterday. Such a beautiful spectacle. I was moved to tears in a couple minutes over the meaning of the games. They’ve inspired us all to push beyond our perceived limitations and evolve our species.

The contestants are thought to be the best of us. We spectators benefit from their excellence. We aspire to be like them or remember when we did. Now as the contests begin, let’s cheer them on as we cheer ourselves up.

Did you see the opening ceremonies? Were you moved by all the different nations coming together again for this purpose? Ki to Happiness gives us all medals for patience in waiting an extra year for the Olympics.


Full moon in Aquarius #1

Welcome to the first of two full moons in Aquarius this lunar cycle. This gives us a chance to examine issues of freedom.

We have just entered the sun sign of Leo, which governing the heart. The next Aquarius full moon occurs when the sun is in the sign of Virgo. This will illuminate issues related to freedom and discernment.

How free does your heart feel? Can you discern what will serve your freedom issues in a month? Ki to Happiness feels free to love and discerns how, what, whom, when and where to do so.


Gap toothed grin

Before I had braces I had a big space between my two front teeth. The teeth came out at an alarming angle and were slightly twisted. I started orthodontia at age 6, braces at seven, retainers until age 17. Later I learned that in some tribes in Africa the gap between the front teeth is an indication of space for Truth to be spoken.

Yesterday I shared FaceTime with an old friend. Seeing her gap toothed grin I recognized my young self in her. I appreciated her Truth as she shared it, with that twinkle in her eye, and the one raised eyebrow. I felt the sense of continuity across the decades and the natural Oneness between those of us who are open to Truth.

What brings you a sense of Oneness with others? How open are you to sharing your Truth? Ki to Happiness speaks Truth in saying “ I am You.”


Happy birthday!

I am blessed to have three special friends who share this day as their birthday!!! They may read this post immediately, later, or never at all. My appreciation for them, their life, and their presence in mine brings me to celebrate us all.

So whether you are 71, 66 or 21 (or any other age) as they each turn today, I’m so glad to share this Earthly experience with you a while. Walking, practicing yoga, opening our hearts to one another makes the journey worthwhile. It opens me to celebrate all of us on the Earth now, having been born and continuing to live, love and evolve.

Are you glad you were born at this time with all the others here now? Can you celebrate? Ki to Happiness sends out a Happy Birthday Om to you!


Ginger tea

Since 1997 I have been fortunate to go to Bali annually. Teaching yoga and conducting private sessions go with me wherever I am. One of the many delights in Bali is my nightly ginger tea ritual. It supplies the “night janitor” of our natural sleeping processes with the right cleansing fluid.

Last night I resumed that practice again. I’m so glad I did! I awaken feeling clean and clear. I’m grateful for sweet dreams, good cats, and ample loose tea as I begin this new day. My morning practice Glowed from the depths of my gut and all that supports us from there.

How are your evening practices? Could they benefit from a little ginger tea? Ki to Happiness looks forward to more tonight.


Rough start

I awakened this morning from a bad dream. I rolled back on my back to allow it to shift into potentially a better conclusion. Instead it got worse. I got up and found out one of the cats peed on the floor again. Reaching for loose tea for brewing, I found little.

I share these things with you, dear Reader to let you know how human I am and how ordinary the issues in my life can be. What may be extraordinary and contagious is the way that my morning practice smooths all the roughness. Enough tea, a clean carpet, and a greater understanding of my unconscious result.

What do you do when you have a rough start to your day? How do you smooth out the rough edges? Ki to Happiness continues with consistent and potentially contagious yoga practices.