

Five years ago while we were in Bali our housesitter here in Seattle told the story that he was stalked and followed into our home. The story came to a conclusion yesterday with the presentation of a homemade gift and a blanket apology “if” anything that occurred resulting from that was problematic.

My computer was stolen, along with my stateside wallet and a lifetime’s worth of jewelry collected from many friends and travels. A large gaping hole remain in my kitchen for four years as a reminder of the “problem”. Yesterday’s A Course in Miracles lesson was “the salvation of the world depends on me”. With that reminder, I knew my role was prescribed: patient forgiveness.

How long are you willing to patiently wait to receive some sort of apology? Are you able to forgive without one? Ki to Happiness impatiently forgives immediately and is willing to patiently wait indefinitely for any kind of apology.


When 4:45 AM is late

I slept in today. Without fireworks in the middle of the night, and after a big long walk into our beautiful nearby woods, I stayed asleep until 4:45 AM.

As I started, the practices did me more than me doing the practices. The well worn habits have dug a deep groove in my psyche. My actions followed the groove up to now.

What groove results from your habits? Which practices do you? Ki to Happiness grooves in the early morning.



I am up in my practice in preparation for teaching this morning‘s 10 AM class. The grand reopening celebration has left its afterglow with us. Smiles and hugs, treats and refreshments, after asana and pranayama all contribute to the healing feeling of this soft dawn.

Without civic fireworks, random neighbors shot off their stash in the night. The cats and I have been up and down intermittently. Even that does not dim the afterglow of our community reassembling again without any further Covid restrictions.

How is your Independence Day afterglow? Could you benefit from joining us for practice today? Ki to Happiness looks forward to sharing practices with you as we bask in the reunion of our community.


Independence Day

Celebrating freedom from Covid restrictions, our grand reopening yesterday was wonderful. Looking forward to a second fabulous day with smiles, hugs, vegan treats, and refreshments around this morning’s class schedule.

Bob is teaching at nine and 1030. This is exceptional, as Hatha Yoga Center has always been closed on this national holiday. I’m loving that at age 72, Bob is in the spirit of service and celebration!

How will you observe Independence Day? Can you join us for class or festivities? Ki to Happiness loves the Independence yoga brings about, as we all find our way to interdependence with the Higher Power.


Welcome back

In addition to teaching both morning classes at the Hatha Yoga Center today, I am also offering plenty of vegan treats and refreshments to welcome you back. It’s been a joy to prepare after all this time.

I’m sure many of you are busy. With our state reopening, there are many activities to engage in. Please do so safely. And feel free to swing by for a smile, a hug, and a little pick me up if not for class.

How are you doing with the reopening? Could you benefit by reconnecting with our Hatha Yoga Center community? Ki to Happiness welcomes you back.


Rubber Time

In my second home of Bali there are many expressions that shine light on their delightful perspective. One such expression is the use of the phrase “rubber time” to express a general approach to being flexible about schedules. With our new Washington Ready reopening, I feel the rubbery quality.

In preparing for celebration, I jumped ahead a day. I’m relieved to have the luxury of this day for additional preparation. I also feel that your Rubber Time may take you a while to make it back to Hatha Yoga Center in person. Whenever that occurs is good!

How flexible is your schedule? Are you doing OK with this time of flux as we transition to freedom from Covid restrictions? Ki to Happiness never sets an alarm.



Finally after 15 1/2 months of restrictions, our state is allowing complete reopening of businesses including the Hatha Yoga Center! Words fail to express the delight I experience as I reflect on all that has transpired bringing us to the present.

So I’m putting my delight in the treats I am making for our grand reopening celebration this weekend. The recipes are from my cookbook, Whomp! I look forward to seeing your faces when the time is right for you to join us. I hold your smiles in my heart and cherish our having gone through this together, if at considerable distance.

How will reopening affect you? What would you like the “new normal” to look like? Ki to Happiness envisions a world brought together through hardship moving toward peaceful sharing of this bountiful planet and its resources.


End of Covid restrictions

On this last day of Covid restrictions, I want to congratulate each one of you for making it through this most challenging time. Thank you for your willingness to read my words. thank you for the way in which you have made use of the words in your own life.

Many of you have found your way to our Hatha Yoga Center live streaming group for yoga at home. A few have returned to us in person. Soon, you may find your way back to us. I look forward to serving our community this weekend at our Grand Reopening celebration. I’ll be serving Vegan treats from my new cookbook, Whomp!

How do you feel about the end of Covid restrictions? How will it impact your yoga practice? Ki to Happiness feels festive and wants to give your practice a hug.


Fever broke

The Pacific Northwest’s fever has broken. The heat dome that led to the highest temperatures ever recorded has moved onward. Nighttime temperatures in the 70s felt delicious.

A combination of the 15 month pandemic, fire season last year, and then the heat dome have been a trifecta of challenge. As we release Covid restrictions, let’s also release trauma stored within.

Are you cooling off yet? What will help you release this most recent trauma of record breaking climate change temperatures? Ki to Happiness soaks in the safety of this present coolness.


Laying low

I’m thinking about the earth worms. I’m aware that they dig deeper into the earth when they need healing. They also dig deeper for coolness. On this day that promises sweltering heat, we might do well to similarly lay low.

Yoga offers us the awareness that we contain within us all of the other evolutionary stages we have moved through to become human beings. Tracking all the way back to our earth worm stage may be a good use of our big heavy brains today. Get close to the good cool mother earth and heal.

Where can you find some cool earth today? What might you be able to heal as you allow yourself to lay low? Ki to Happiness digs deep.