

The first morning in hundreds, I awaken to the light. I’m usually up long before it, as if it’s necessary for me to help the sunrise. Instead today, I slumbered until nearly 5.

This required I shuffle the order of my practices. The ritual devotional sequence I work with has had to change before. Many times while traveling, especially overseas, flexibility needed to be packed first. It helps to know the practices inside and out, forward and backward.

How flexible are you physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Spiritually? How strong are you on these different planes? Ki to Happiness balances flexibility with strength.


See ya’

When I exited the beautiful garden of our dear community members, one said “ see ya!” Impossible to know when that may happen. After over four years of nearly daily interaction, it may be weeks, months, or lifetimes before our paths cross again. As I left, I came across a dog I know, but haven’t seen in years. He was off leash and alone. I walked him home and let him in the open door with a quick hello to his elderly companion.

When I was a kid, my grandmother would never say goodbye. Only “So long.” She passed away when I was 22. At age 60, I see her everywhere. At the Goodwill, her favorite store, in the perfectly cool clear weather like moments on my walk which she always said were “like Lake Michigan,” and in big blue eyes looking at my “grape eyes” as she named my coloration.

Do you say “goodbye?”Can you embrace the mysterious comings and goings in your life? Ki to Happiness loves the mystery running through all.


Completing trauma

I went to bed last night happy on our 19th Seattle wedding anniversary. A couple of long term students and community members returned to the Hatha Yoga Center for classes. We all observed Covid restrictions, relieved to be slowly reopening in our Healthy Washington program.

We saluted the sun and the moon with the full lunar eclipse. We meditated on ways to make use of this huge creative expressive energy. This morning there is a very large man yelling as he wildly gesticulates in the middle of our rainy and windy intersection. I see he is doing his best, also, to make use of the creative and expressive energy. My felt sense is he’s trying to complete some trauma.

What trauma do you need to complete? How consciously can you make use of these creative and expressive energies? Ki to Happiness witnesses spontaneous efforts toward healing.


Going Big

This morning’s eclipse pattern is in Sagittarius. Together with the super full pink moon, it’s a time for going big or going home. Through all the challenges we have been facing during the pandemic, there is so much to be for which to be grateful. I suggest we express our gratitude in new and big ways!

Eclipse patterns effect us for the six months, coloring the frequency in which we live. From now until December, a pink tinge may emanate from all new activities we are drawn to explore and learn. It’s rosy hue may amplify all you intend to create. The full moon brings unconscious material up for conscious processing. Use it toward your truest desires for expression of your vastness.

What would you like to shout from the rooftops? How can you give expression to your biggest and most cherished values? Ki to Happiness sends BIG love and gratitude to all who’ve shared in my life, contributing to my growth and presence.



In the night I awakened to a terrible smell. with my window open noxious odor permeated my room. I became concerned for our safety. Homeless people often set fire to dumpsters in my area. Cats came by me for security.

Later, I found the source of the stench. Big skidmarks in the intersection at our corner validated my experience. Burnt rubber in concentric circles show the effects of acceleration while breaking. Knowing what the problem is, and that it has resolved itself, brings us back to the peace and quiet of morning practice.

Are you getting the validation you need? Can validation from your Self be enough? Ki to Happiness experiences Self validation through yoga.


Website assistant

Today I want to honor my website assistant, Karen Bullard. Last year when the pandemic hit, she and I used our additional time and resources to improve my website which hosts this blog. As she prepares to move onward to her next adventure, she leaves behind much love and appreciation for her every effort.

Karb is her nickname. This remarkable Yogini has worn many hats with us at Hatha Yoga Center. Having graduated from our training program as well as several others, she has covered classes for us. While I instruct, often she fills the screen with her loveliness when I need to relieve myself. Recently she has shared the soil from her property in which our urban garden grows indoors.

How do you honor those significant in your life when they prepare to take leave? Is there any good in goodbye? Ki to Happiness feels the goodness of all we’ve shared and honors it by telling you about it here.



I wanted to sleep in. Maybe it was the one extra mouthful of cashew cheese. Or my rearranged room. My cat friends insisted I get up anyway. Tending to their needs, in half sleep I begin my day. Then I sit for my meditation/pranayama/prayer/mantra practices as I become awake.

Without name, title, role, I breathe and open to Essence. Beyond and within words, I become full of my Self. Placing my hand on my heart, Its tenderness is present with me. And now I share It with you.

Can you place your hand on your heart? Do you feel Its tenderness? Ki to Happiness wishes a good morning to your heart from mine.


Street fair

50 years ago the university district in Seattle hosted the first street fair in the USA. This lively two day event with crafts, musicians and vendors offering all of their wares has inspired many other communities to do the same.

Until last year. The pandemic shut it down, as well as so much else. This year as we near re-opening, it remains shut down. A much quieter day here will allow classes to continue in a more peaceful environment after a restful night.

Do you enjoy street fairs? Can you appreciate the quiet before re-opening in your area? Ki to Happiness loves both the street fairs and the quiet.



I recently learned about the history of our local Ravenna Woods. Until about 120 years ago we had the tallest, largest, and oldest trees in the Pacific Northwest just 10 blocks from here. There was a pond and 17 springs that fed it. It’s unclear what happened, or why.

What remains is a trickle of water and plenty of trees, although no record holders. I added my tears to the stream.

Do you know the history of your area? Can you align with the beauty that remains? Ki to Happiness flows.


Mask on, mask off

After blogging about taking masks off, our newspaper said we need to put them back on. It’s easy enough to do. Using the flexibility that we gain in yoga is not nearly physical. Being flexible minded makes it easier to adjust and adapt to the constantly changing demands.

I have a strong stubborn streak. My educated mind has lots of opinions. In choosing serenity, I let all that go so that I can identify with my multifaceted spirit. There’s enough room inside it to hold all I’ve experienced in a loving embrace. Tu Twam Asi is the first manta I learned. It means I Am That, too. Mask off… I am that, too. I am that too.

Can you readily identify with your multi faceted spirit? How valuable is your serenity? Ki to Happiness thanks Ram Das and his work Be Here Now for teaching me my first mantra when I was 14.