
An Appology

Without dragging you through all the after affects of the burglary, I wanted to give you a little update. My bank has made numerous errors along the way to getting all accounts straightened out. I have expressed my frustration directly.

After hours, I received a personal apology from my bank branch manager. He took responsibility for the most recent errors and is committed to seeing me through to the resolution. That’s all it takes for me to return to loving him, recognizing my salvation in forgiving him, and fulfilling my function here.

From whom do you want an apology? To whom are you ready to apologize? Ki to Happiness is sorry for briefly forgetting my function, and now remembers.


One year ago

I had a strong urge to start live streaming classes. I had just been inspired by one of my students. She’s been live streaming for years, that’s how I learned how from her. I ran it by our studio manager, who sat with me as we figured it out. Two weeks later, our lives and income depended on it!

Soon others teachers were reaching out to me to learn how to do it. I’m grateful to have had the crash course so I could share. I’ve been learning as I go ever since. Lots of improvements have occurred. Those improvements will continue. As will our daily live streaming yoga classes.

Are you paying attention to your strong urges? Can you learn as you go? Ki to Happiness keeps learning to follow the Guidance from strong urges.


Old friends

Today is the birthday of some old friends from grade school. I reached out to them on Facebook to wish them a happy 60th. This past year of the Covid has connected me to many old friends as I live stream just about daily.

It has been amazing to reunite with my past in this way, in order to navigate the present circumstances. My future will be enhanced as a result of this blending. This and many other benefits we celebrate as we honor our one year anniversary of live streaming.

Has this year of the Covid also reunited you with some old friends? What other hidden benefits have you found from this most unusual year? Ki to Happiness highlights the silver linings.


Last year’s selfie

We are approaching our one year anniversary of live streaming our classes. Without knowing that that was coming, I was deeply involved in developing my website which included taking a selfie.

I look back on that picture now, and I see ignorance, hope and willingness to serve in all possible ways. Today, my ignorance has become wisdom. While I have no idea what next year will bring, my hope continues, as does my willingness to serve in all possible ways.

In what ways have you changed? What remains? Ki to Happiness remains hopeful and willing.


Freedom then Food

As my day begins, it’s quiet in the building. On Saturdays the other tenants do not arrive until much later. This allows our cats to have freedom to explore the larger space of our common foyer. They prefer that to eating. It’s that important.

I feel the same. In yoga practices I contact that sense of freedom. In my body I free up my energy with Asana, my mind with breathing, and my spirit in aligning with Its intention. Food comes after…

What are you most hungry for? How free have you been feeling lately? Ki to Happiness satisfies her hunger for freedom.


Here, Now

We are here, now! We made use of the March forth energy and are propelled into today. We can continue with the forward thrust of our creative impulses. Nothing stops us.

Take a moment and center yourself. As you simply breathe, look around you. Feel your way into this present moment. Notice the safety. Consider the day ahead and how you may extend this moment into your efforts.

What wants to be created through you? How can you take this safe moment of presence and utilize it toward your true desires? Ki to Happiness breathes life into manifestation.


March Forth!

Today’s date is also a command! And now that Mars has shifted in to Gemini we have the energy to March forth and conquer. It is a personal favorite day.

I am ready for it. I’ve gotten my replacement wallet, drivers license, debit card and soon credit card. I have healed from the burglary in record time. I have bounced back, thanks to my practices and many helpers! Feeling strong, and able, I will march forth.

Are you ready to march forth? In what direction? Ki to Happiness marches safely toward the light.



This morning in my practices, I’ve been breathing with my heart. Allowing it to set the rhythm, pace and the depth. Bubbling up from within is an old song from Carole King I listened to “over and over and over again” as her lyrics sing. I’m so glad to hear it again after decades.

What we listen to and look at goes inside us. There’s no back door for it to come out. It becomes us, and comes through us when we least expect it. It’s so important that we allow in something good, consciously chosen, and in alignment with our highest values.

Have you allowed your heart to breathe for you? What does your heart sing as you do? Ki to Happiness quotes Carole King “ there’s no end to the music.”


Happy 48th

48 years ago today my mom married my stepdad. They eloped on a business trip. I gave her the gift of a monogram stamp, so she could seal her personal letters with her newness. My brother and I were living with my grandparents at the time. Little did any of us realize how much our lives were about to change.

48 years later, they still care for one another, and share their special bond of loving memories. I am truly so happy for them. I cherish the way my world expanded exponentially in our blending.

Are your folks alive? How long were they married? Ki to Happiness honors all who commit to love.


March First

Welcome March! While we bask in the cleaned environs the Full Snow Moon encouraged, soon it will be Spring! The winter’s hibernation has brought potential for much reflection and rejuvenation.

With an outpouring of support, I’m relieved to report our sanctuary of the Hatha Yoga Center is fresh and whole again. So is my heart. I will cherish the last weeks of winter here, remaining in Phase 2, grateful for all of you and all the has transpired in the dark cold season.

How will you welcome March? What is the best use of the end of this winter? Ki to Happiness will march first…