

I’ve returned to my yurt. My mom sat peacefully awaiting my arrival. I bring stories of my journey. Friends and colleagues send their greetings. All is well.

The 20° nights have melted into 80° days. The Redbuds have burst forth. With or without me, they heed their internal timing in perfect conditions.

Do you see these changes in the outer world? Can you feel similar changes in your inner world? Ki to Happiness awakens with right timing and conditions.


Singing with the Geese

Dawn breaks ruby over the prairie. Soft high clouds diffuse the glow as geese fly above. Their formation triggers my awareness of my impending migration. Homeward, today I begin my return.

As I was chanting my ritual mantras, the geese chimed in. We sang together a while, our chorus of gratitude for another day, fresh and full.

How does you day begin? What do you sing in the morning? Ki to Happiness laughs and cries in joy for this new day.


Eyes of the World

I awaken to the Sun dawning in my friend’s home. The cool of night warms right up. It takes me back to other Springs here at my alma mater in the Midwest. The Grateful Dead’s lyrics sing in my head and heart.

“The seeds that were silent all burst into bloom and decay. Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world“. I am seeing with those eyes right now. With them, I look forward.

Did you know that your eyes are the Eyes of the World? How do things look when you see through them as if this were truth? Ki to Happiness sees a world forgiven.


Hoppy Easter

Greetings on this day of resurrection. Life returns to the sleeping earth. Bunnies are frisking about and birdies are fluttering their wings. Reopening is happening across our land. Easter egg hunts are happening. And there’s a few bonnets to be worn. All in celebration of the continuity of the cycles.

Birth, life, death, rebirth. We find the cycles on the outer and the inner. We see it in the seasons. Internally we may experience it in our relationships, in our work, and in our spiritual life. Enjoy this moment of renewal.

Where are you in the cycle regarding your relationships? Your work? Your spiritual life? Ki to Happiness forgives the cyclic with continuous love for the experience of spirit in matter.


Holy Saturday

As holy week continues, we approach the moment of resurrection. The earth demonstrates it best. Bare branches bud and flower. Soon leaves will unfurl in the sun.

The Judeo Christian model celebrates with symbols and stories. Hindus have had their colorful festival. All around the world, there’s an awareness of the change of light and season. It’s this awareness that is the holiest of holies.

What buds in you? Which attributes would you like to resurrect after your winter? Ki to Happiness buds awareness of continuity.


The River

I awaken to the sound of a bird knocking on my door. It’s cold. She’d like to come in where it’s warm. I greet her and let her know that’s not going to happen. I’ll leave a snack for her though.

Out my back door, the river is glistening in the dawn’s light. I’ve learned it once had another name, and flowed in a different direction. Still, it flowed. It brought transportation, and opportunity for survival. This is how the area became settled.

What waters help you survive? How well do you flow, regardless of name or direction? Ki to Happiness feeds those that flock near.


Even after

As we consider a possible “fourth wave”, I reflect back on a couple of dear ones who have passed during the Covid year. Lighting my candles, infusing them with healing vibration of Reiki, I feel them near still.

I had a deep personal sharing with my mother-in-law which we couldn’t have while she was approaching to death. I’ve come to know extended family members of my beloved Facebook friend. I shared this with my 95-year-old dad. He perked up hearing how the deceased continue to be helpful and meaningful.H

Have you felt the presence of those who have passed away? Are you aware of the possibility of deepening your relationships even after? Ki to Happiness feels the web of connection among us all, on either side of the veil, which itself is web woven.


Talk, trust and feel

I’ve made it back home one more time to see my folks. Traveling at the time of Covid has multiple complexities. In the process of getting from Seattle to the Midwest, I went through excitement, anxiety, boredom, impatience, frustration and joy.

I allowed myself to be real about all the feels. I spoke with other travelers about circumstances which were affecting us all. I trusted they were humans, so were having some similar issues as I was.

Do you allow yourself to be real? Who can you trust to talk to about your feelings? Ki to Happiness feels real.


Traveling shoes

I’m gearing up for my departure. Tonight I will be with my folks again. I’m amazed and blessed that both have made it through this long Covid winter. When I mention to others that my dad is 95 and mom is 83, I’m always reminded that these days will come to an end. It’s so important to enjoy each other while we can.

It takes a lot for me to extricate myself from my home and work. I am an integral part of the Hatha Yoga Center community. Time, money, and energy are required. These expenses are not too great for these karmic relationships to complete well.

How are your karmic relationships? What’s needed? Ki to Happiness needs to put on her traveling shoes.


This day

I got confused about my departure date. I had to change it a couple of times, and I lost track. My notes confused me. Discovering my error, I have an extra day here. This is that day.

I stopped my weekly meditations last week so I could board my flight. Now, no flight until tomorrow. This day feels like a gift. I get to live my life one more day right here, at the Hatha Yoga Center. All it’s simple tiny details are glistening for me now. Each moment I offer up to Mother-Father God-us, Almighty.

How does this day look to you? Can you see the light shining from every detail? Ki to Happiness sees this day through the Eyes of the World.