

Yesterday, I spoke with an old friend. I danced with her and her sister for years, long ago. When the younger sister died suddenly, we were all shocked at the cancers that ravaged her beautiful form. 10 years later, we each still feel a deepening in our relationship to her.

The slow reopening of businesses continues. A new tenant is about move in to our building in the space across from our yoga studio. BLM marches by our windows in the dark cold of night. Still, the deepening continues.

What’s new? What’s old? Ki to Happiness cherishes the deepening happening beyond the veil, highlighted by the new normal.


Scorpio sun

We had a huge barometric shift yesterday. The cats were going wild, racing around, with lots of vocalizations. Suddenly there was loud thunder rumbling and clapping. The lightning strike illuminated our yoga studio. They went running for cover as the deluge began. Hail pinged down on the rooftop as they stared up at it from their cubbies.

Welcome Scorpio Sun. Ever dramatic, it signals the turn of the year toward darkness and cold. The continuation of slow reopening occurs, taking a backseat to the driving weather on us now.

Are you ready? Do you have what you need to stay warm and dry? Ki to Happiness and the kitties are snug.


Slow changes

Our world has changed quickly this year. The requirements for sudden flexibility has tested us all. Slowly re-opening businesses continues, as does vandalism. Having voted, I have done all I can.

In my personal world, I have let go of the frustrating attempt to change things about others. I have been using this unusual time since the coronavirus issue to change what I can. I’m so blessed that I have grown in wisdom to know the difference between these two. Serenity results.

How’s your serenity? Are you needing more courage and/or acceptance? Ki to Happiness embraces the slow changes.


Timing is everything

Going to bed last night, I set my intentions to awaken earlier. So glad I started in the wee hours. I have a little extra time to enjoy you. The slow reopening in our area has included another broken window needing to be replaced. This time on our building. Also, my bank has moved. It’s much smaller now.

Adjusting to the workmen coming in to replace the window, or to the new bank location continues to challenge the sense of normalcy. Fortunately, these changes have come now. Not all at once. With time enough to adapt and shift.

How are you doing with the timing of the requirements in your life? Can you keep up with the demands at this pace? Ki to Happiness knows timing is everything.


Early bird

This was to be of a day of mailing in our ballots. Happy to report again that we already have. I ran out to get some more loose tea yesterday, and found the tea house full of people, social distancing, drinking their beverage of choice. Truly, slow reopening is happening.

I get up early every day. In the quiet solitude with my cats. I begin to feel “a happy outcome of all things is certain. “ This is my course in miracles (ACIM) lesson for today. This early bird has gotten a big juicy worm.

Can you feel it? Are you certain? Ki to Happiness certainly does.



As the issues in the outer world continue, the inner world becomes a place of respite. Yes, there it was slow reopening of businesses. Yes, there are restrictions to observe. And yet, inside, behind the mask, there is reason for great joy and celebration.

Little coincidences, synchronicities, happy accidents line my path. They say “keep going.” Quietly, whispers of “this way” guide me. Steady and sure, my peace goes with me. Here. Now.

Are you experiencing these simultaneous events in your life? Are you quiet enough to understand what is being communicated to you? Ki to Happiness witnesses, and smiles.



In casting my ballot yesterday, I noticed more businesses slowly re-opening. Our local movie theater, and bookstore, both now are welcoming a few people with restrictions. Also, there are more broken windows, and businesses closing.

I am happy to have been able to exercise my democratic right to express my opinion on the ballot in this republic. I cherish the efforts my grandmother made so that this female can. I honor my mother’s efforts in helping others vote. I encourage you to vote as soon as possible.

Have you voted yet? What do you need to assist you in doing so? Ki to Happiness votes with each breath, for balance and peace.


New moon in libra

Today, we start again. Each lunar cycle gives us a chance to hit a reset button. As we clean up the last month, new intentions align with the energies of the new month. This occurs as we continue observing the restrictions in our area.

Libra loves beauty and balance. Having cleared up the last of my series of hacks, scams, and issues with phish from one moon ago, I look forward to the possibilities of the next lunar cycle. The ballots have arrived just in time!

What beautiful intentions would you like to set? How can you best balance the energies in your life? Ki to Happiness votes for balance, which is beautiful.


Enjoy Me

The winds and rain have subsided. Dry clarity remains as we shift into Mercury retrograde. This is a time for reflecting and reviewing, redoing and renewing. As such, this is my second post about St. Teresa of Avila. May this poem from the 1500s accompany you well, as you continue observing the guidelines in your area.

Laughter Came From Each Brick

Just these two words He spoke changed my life, “Enjoy Me.”

What a burden I thought I want us to carry-a crucifix, as did He.

Love once said to me, “I know a song, would you like to hear it?“

And laughter came from every brick in the street and from every pore in the sky.

After a night of prayer, He changed my life when He sang “Enjoy Me.”

What are you enjoying? Are you aware of where it came from? Ki to Happiness enjoys.


Gale force

In venturing out, Gale force winds nearly blew me down. Slowly re-opening businesses, I noticed more closures. Between the blasts of wind, I made my way to a favorite local grocery store. Without a long line outside, I made my way in.

Without much entertainment of late, I found the experience to be dazzling. Bright lights, lots of healthy options, nice cheap prices, and a gift card that has been waiting through the whole pandemic for me to use. Delightful to run into one of our beloved community members.

How are you doing in these winds? Are simple pleasures enough entertainment for you? Ki to Happiness is easily amused.