
Mercury retrograde

Just as we are about to enter into phase 2 of Healthy Washington, Mercury has gone retrograde. There easily could be a feeling of moving backward, instead of forward. I was born with mercury retrograde, so there’s always a transition day when I wonder which way I’m going.

This makes it a good time to slow down, take a step back. Check out all the lessons that we have been learning since mid November, or all the way back to last March, when Covid restrictions began. I think you’re find progress on many levels!

Are you familiar with mercury retrograde? Can you slow down and take a step back? Ki to Happiness sees huge progress from this perspective!


Phase 2

Our governor Jay Insley announced yesterday that our region is able to shift on Monday to phase 2. This will allow us to have up to five students in person per class. Fortunately, the live stream allows many more participants. This feels like another wonderful birthday gift!

With the class packages of the remote students, as well as donations and contributions, we are able to pay the rent. We are so appreciative of the many dedicated yoga practitioners who have stayed with us during the 10 1/2 months!

Will your area shift to phase 2? How will that change things for you? Ki to Happiness appreciates this belated birthday gift!



When I first arrived at the Hatha Yoga Center in 1997, there was a tradition of commemorating birthdays with the “backbend club“. Those gathered would do backbends for each year celebrated. The more senior members in their 70s and 80s now have found other ways of celebrating.

Without specifically intending, yesterday while on camera I began with 15. And another 10. And another 10. Five more. Another 10. Then five. And the last five. Reviewing the years represented, I’m thrilled to have arrived. 60 years old and still in the backbend club, if the last member.

Want to join? How do you like celebrating special birthdays? Ki to Happiness celebrates today by getting out of bed, pain-free.


Sweet 60

Today is my birthday. Turning 60 in the Covid environment is a gift. in sharing this gift with you, I wish each one of you a happy birthday. My life is not my own. I came in through relationship. Each relationship I have participated in has enriched my life.

I’m happy to awaken safely, healthy, and happy with this life. My cats and I share this celebration day with you all.

What do you associate with turning 60? Can you celebrate your 60 year old self today, regardless of your age? Ki to Happiness is glad you were born.


Deep sludge

The Vocal Odyssey workshop moved some deep sludge. In taking its time to exit, I’ve witnessed its movement up from lungs into sinuses, upsetting my balance. The solution is to keep singing it out, supporting nature with healthy self care, and recognizing the impact of vibration.

It also helps to work with my tool kit… yoga variations, Epley maneuver, Eustachi devise, and essential oils on my socked feet at night. I’m grateful for all the things I’ve learned so I can help myself. Having done so, I’m ready meet this last day of my 50s.

How can you best support the movement of your deep sludge? What tools do you need? Ki to Happiness is grateful to have what is needed.


Hugging practices

Yesterday after I finished my participation in the Vocal Odyssey workshop, I walked into the woods. For years I have been chanting with my frequent visits to Ravenna Cowan Park. In my early years, I was nervous about other people hearing me. Then I realized, no one’s listening.

The freedom of moving my limbs and my vocal cords together has delighted me all along. In the light of the weekend workshop, I appreciate it even more. I’m giving that and my other chanting and singing practices a hug. I feel validated in my creative use of yoga tools. I encourage you to raise up your voice and let your sounds out.

What’s the sound your voice would like to make? Where and when can you? Ki to Happiness chants the sound Om…and sends it out as a hug for you.


Facing fear

I went out of my comfort zone yesterday. I enrolled in an online workshop. I navigated the computer correctly, got zoomed in and was delighted with all the others who joined. I recognized one name, but dismissed it.

Later there was a private message from her! She recognized my name, also and reached out. Out of the 7+ billion people on the planet, 360 attended. The chance that I would recognize someone is mind blowing. This electronic reunion is the reward for facing my fear of participating, as well as my dismissing the recognition of this dear one.

Are you facing fears? Are you recognizing the rewards? Ki to Happiness sees miracles replacing fears.


Learning and teaching

Like the right and left hand, learning and teaching work well together. With intention, together they may form a prayer. As a lifelong learner, I have joyously taught many subjects. Broadly they all come under the subject of yoga.

In my daily practice, I open myself up to learning. What I’ve learned, I offer freshly in my classes and private sessions. Today I am repeating a lesson: to take things less personally and to detach from my own reaction when triggered. No doubt I will sprinkle a little of that into the classes I teach at 9 and 10:30.

What are you learning? How is that affecting you are teaching? Ki to Happiness prays we find unity, learning and teaching.


Amanda Gorman

Yesterday, I made an error here with our national poet laureate’s last name. Offering you, dear readers, my apology. It took a while to get it edited. Still dealing with some technological challenges here.

I was inspired to read her lengthy inaugural offering. I shared it in my morning class, and again later in Bob’s (after reading aloud to him.) Each time, different aspects came forward, jumping off the page. It’s vibrations will forever continue…

Have you made public errors? How easily can you admit and correct the errors you’ve made? Ki to Happiness recognizes that seven errors a day indicate growth!



After watching the inaugural ceremony and celebration, I continued to see fireworks with my eyes closed. The spectacular celebration stays with me this morning as well.

A smile originates in my heart and shows up without hindrance on my face. I noticed this on the other faces I saw yesterday. Especially in sharing the tremendous voice and work of our national poet laureate Amanda Gordon. Ease of relief replaces years of tension and shocking disbelief now for having witnessed democracy prevail! And an acknowledgment that the creative heart is alive and well, expressing its magnificent resilience.

Were are you moved to tears yesterday? How well did you sleep? Ki to Happiness slept the uncivil war out of us…