
All the Saints

Halloween passes and reveals its true nature today. This day dawns with an invitation to celebrate all of those who have gone before us, miraculously displaying their sanctity. While they are no longer physically present on the planet, their energy which was never created also was never destroyed. It exists to help, guide and protect us.

I have my favorites. I am blessed to have been informed of many from all the different paths. At this time of tremendous challenge, I especially appreciate the assistance from Beyond in order to navigate this present world.

Have you asked for help from Beyond? Can you acknowledge all such Helpers today? Ki to Happiness is ever grateful.


Halloween Moon

Happy Halloween on this full moon in Scorpio. Not since 1944 have we had this occurrence. Unconscious energies are expressing themselves fully today.

Election tension, the rise of Covid cases and slow reopening of businesses continues. Yoga helps me stay safe and sane at this time of great upheaval.

How are you doing in this environment?What helps you stay safe and sane? Ki to Happiness balances her energy with yoga.


Simple pleasures

In the spectacular autumn colors, we took a ride yesterday. Teddy Roosevelt called Grandview Drive the most spectacular in the US. Soaking in the beauty of nature uplifted us all. Then Nature called me in another way.

We wanted a cookie. Stopping for a Halloween treat, I found a restroom. Perfect timing, perfect location. The simple pleasure of getting needs met is what I’m highlighting here. The treat was also delicious.

Are you getting your needs met? How about your wants? Ki to Happiness needs little and wants to express gratitude for simple pleasures.


Masked communication

Grocery shopping yesterday, our masks were in place. Unable to hear clearly, and without the ability to read lips, communication was challenged. Acknowledging this, we realized the issue is not personal.

Viewing some news, another kind of mask was removed yesterday. Anonymous author of the New York Times opinion page article revealed his identity. Good to have that mystery solved.

What mask needs to be worn? Is there one for you to remove? Ki to Happiness communicates nonmysteriously with or without a mask.


Home free

My traveling has brought me safely to my parent’s home. It’s wonderful to be here as the trees are ablaze in their autumnal hues. Dad sang a little of his favorite song, ‘tis autumn. It’s as if time has stood still out here, with nature the primary clock.

There are no businesses to be slowly re-opening out here, or re-closing. No broken windows from vandals. No protests on the road. Instead, there is the sunrising, trees glowing golden, and birdsongs beginning to fill the air.

Have you been spending enough time in nature? Are you maintaining your balance? Ki to Happiness is home free.


Successful completion

The writing class I have been attending finished last night. One by one all of the students received comments on their final homework. Each one of us benefited from the others’ efforts. Our masterful teacher enhanced the best of each of us with firm constructive criticism.

The improvements were tremendous. I danced a little joyful dance at the successful completion. Now the energy that was required to enroll, participate, to follow through to the end is available. It will go with me into my next efforts.

Do you complete what you start? Have you felt that lift of energy catapulting you forward? Ki to Happiness finishes what she starts.


Alma mater

I am waking this morning in the town of my Alma mater. One of the flight attendants was also educated here. It’s great to be back. Again, for education.

Tonight, I have my last writing class. It has been a wonderful use of my energy to have participated in this course. Perhaps some of you are experiencing its benefits with me here. As we continue reopening slowly, it is important for us all to be able to find expression for our creative juices.

How are you expressing your creativity? Is further education desirable? Ki to Happiness learns and creates.


One more trip

On this freezing morning, I awaken early. My practices call me to them. The habits and rituals I have established will go with me as I take one more trip. Here, business is slowly re-open. There? I’ll adapt and adjust as I fly through other states, and other states of consciousness.

I intend to Vlog along the way. I will share live streaming Monday morning meditations. These small offerings will come out of my habits and rituals to support yours.

Have you traveled in this time of Covid? What habits have helped? Ki to Happiness takes her practices everywhere.


First Freeze

Greetings, first freeze. Our building is still without heat. Our three cats and I are huddled together by the biggest space heater. My practices have warmed me. My hot jasmine green tea helped, too.

Leaves swirl outside in the cold wind. Later, the businesses which have been slowly reopening will welcome in the masked customers. I’m happy to be able to continue to teach yoga with our electric heat until the radiators are working again. This cold snap will go with me as I depart tomorrow. I will be vlogging along my way again as I visit my folks.

Do you have heat? Warm water? Ki to Happiness delights in these simple creature comforts.



Yesterday, I spoke with an old friend. I danced with her and her sister for years, long ago. When the younger sister died suddenly, we were all shocked at the cancers that ravaged her beautiful form. 10 years later, we each still feel a deepening in our relationship to her.

The slow reopening of businesses continues. A new tenant is about move in to our building in the space across from our yoga studio. BLM marches by our windows in the dark cold of night. Still, the deepening continues.

What’s new? What’s old? Ki to Happiness cherishes the deepening happening beyond the veil, highlighted by the new normal.