
New moon in Cancer

As we continue safely starting in our area, the new moon is upon us. It is a great time to make use of these energies by setting clear intentions for the next month. Doing so, very helpful for us all to make the best use of this time that continues to be upon us. Sequestration has its benefits!

Cancer is the sign of the homebody. When we stay at home, and we are safe, our feelings can inform us about the right next move. Intuition directs us. It’s a good day for listening!

What does your intuition say? How are you feeling at home? Ki to Happiness is intuiting more positive environmental changes as we continue safely restarting…



As we continue with our safe starting, I am deeply integrating life’s lessons. Internally, I am reckoning aspects of my past which have gotten stimulated by an old friend reaching out, with my present. A gift from this time of sequestration. Doing so, I am also available here. Teaching yoga and serving as a private facilitator for others is enhanced by this process.

Just after posting my blog yesterday, I heard yelling out my window and looked to see the disturbance. A homeless guy from another state who I am familiar with was threatening to kill the cashier where I buy my newspaper. I went right over and entered the 7-11. Cops arrived from every direction. I gave an eye (and ear) witness report, and my contact information to the cop, attesting to the cashier’s character as well. After, I happily taught both of my yoga classes.

What are you percolating on? How has your past equipped you for the demands of the present? Ki to Happiness integrates life’s lessons for manifestation, here and now.


Flash from the past

As we continue safely starting to re-open businesses, our governor has made new guidelines. Conservatively limiting gatherings to 10 or less people in the phase 3 counties effects us still in phase 2 not at all. It was great to go into Goodwill for the first time.

I continue putting myself out here daily. Yesterday, an old friend and colleague let me know he’s been watching. This set off stream of consciousness sharing. It is a gift to revisit our intimacy, our history, and to update each other‘s files on who we have become now.

Are you putting yourself out here daily, too? Any flashes from the past emerging? Ki to Happiness re-members.


Going slowly

In the state of Washington, our safe start program has us reopening very slowly. What’s good about that is that we don’t have to go backward here. King county proceeds with phase 2. Meanwhile, several of the other counties which had already moved ahead to phase 3 are needing to scale back. Instead of gatherings of 50, they are now restricted to gatherings of 10 people.

Going slowly, steadily, incrementally or at a glacial pace, yoga practice affords great rehearsal. Traditionally, slowly exploring postures with breath and conscious intention, preparing the body for meditation, continues to fortify patience and acceptance of what is.

How are you with going slowly? Which practices would most fortify you? Ki to Happiness accepts life on Life’s terms.



As we continue safely starting, I saw the big blue truck, yesterday. Goodwill industries shares our building, occupying half of the first floor.They have been closed since April 1. Seeing the truck, I checked. I learned that they will reopen on Friday.

Mostly, I look forward to donating. During this time of sequestration I have weeded out much and love recycling, keeping as much from the landfill as possible. I also look forward to seeing familiar staff members returning. Oh, yes, and shopping, rocking out to the tunes they play, dancing in the aisles a little. With a mask on, maintaining social distance, for less than 30 minutes.

What signs of progress are you seeing? What are you most looking forward to resuming if possible when the time is right in your area? Ki to Happiness will delight in finding a used thermos downstairs.


Happy birthday, Mom

Today, I am celebrating my mother’s birthday. I share this with you here, as she is one of our readers. And my editor in chief. Truly, I would not be here if it were not for my mother. And I am delighted to be here. Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

One of my rituals daily, is in drying my body after I’ve bathed, I expressed gratitude for all my different parts. First, I acknowledge that my body has come from my mother’s body. And that my body, in fact, is made up from the cells in her body, together with my choices. Turning on and off different genes has been a learning curve for me. And for all of us, no doubt. This is my responsibility.

Is your mother still alive? Which of her genes are you happy to turn on? Ki to Happiness chooses to turn on my mom’s ebullience and zest for life!


That’s Marvelous

Tomorrow is the birthday of my mother, who is healthy, and happy in her life as she turns 83. She was a 24-year-old smart and funny beauty when she gave me birth. It has been the most significant and primary relationship of my nearly 60 years in the flesh.

As a psychotherapist, I learned early on how about the deep bond between mother and child. The effects of such relationships have far reaching consequences in both directions. Coming to the delight in one another, the appreciation for our strengths, the willingness to disregard any failings is such a gift. I feel like it’s my birthday, too.

How is your relationship with your mother? What can be done to bring about peace and joy in this very significant relationship? Ki to Happiness encourages all such efforts, quoting Jan Faherty Obear “ that’s marvelous“.



I live and work in the university district of Seattle. Hatha Yoga Center is right on the Main Street in campus town, University Way, which locals call “The Ave”. It is generally a constant sea of diversity. During this period of safely restarting businesses, and resuming studies, it’s refreshing to have lots of masked, social distancing people populating the streets again.

I get up early for my practices so that I have the best possible chance to experience quietude. During pranayama, meditation, and prayer, relative silence and stillness allows the signal from my Higher Self to be primary. This connection goes with me through the day.

What goes with you into your days? How comfortable are you in stillness and silence? Ki to Happiness stays connected to the blessings of quiet.


Rain in July

In the night, the barometric pressure changed. And I awakened. I’m very sensitive to weather patterns. No doubt the legacy from living through repeated level five hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes. My animal senses stir.

As an early riser, sleeping in the night is important. As I was tossing and turning, I prayed for help falling back to sleep. Soon I was released into that realm of dreams. In reawakening, the pavement is wet, the air is fresh.

What kind of storms have you weathered? What do you do when you cannot sleep? Ki to Happiness has prayed through many storms.


Polishing the mirrors

Continuing with our safe start this summer, students begin to return. The need to rearrange our space to accommodate those motivated me. Moving one object, resulted in moving another, and another. The result is delightful.

Yoga postulates that the outer reflects the inner. Rearranging my inner life allows me to re-organize my outer. Now the outer and inner are better mirrors of one another.

What needs to be rearranged in your life? The outer or the inner? Ki to Happiness polishes the mirror.