
Big Brother

Continuing to safely reopen our businesses, I’m happy to celebrate the birthday of my big brother. While he lives in another state, and has a different timeline, and restrictions, he will be celebrating in this unusual environment. I am glad to have been able to gift him already, and as we had a wonderful visit at my yurt.

Patrick is a Virgo, which is nearly my opposite. From him I learned many things, including how to love someone with detachment. Truly, as our birthday cakes become filled with candles, I’m grateful we simply continue to live. Always great to compare notes on our different chosen paths as well as our common history.

Do you have siblings? What have you learned from those relationships? Ki to Happiness wishes all brothers and sisters of divine-mother-father God, happy birthday!



I’m continuing to settle in to the present safe reopening guidelines. The political environment has become so toxic, I’ve elected to abstain from its media coverage. Already knowing how it is I will cast my ballot, I encourage everyone to cast their’s.

In the next 59 days, or 60 if I include today, the sun will rise and set. Summer will subdue itself into the splendor of fall. I will continue to persevere with my yoga practices which are both grounding and Uplifting.

Are you counting down with me? What will best serve you from now until the election? Ki to Happiness votes for peace daily with my practices.


Key and Ki

As I return to my neighborhood, there is slow progress in the safe restarting of businesses. Museums, bowling alleys, and movie theaters are about to reopen. Of course, with restrictions. A few more students attend our classes, following the guidelines.

I bank at Key, since it is also my name, spelled differently. Entering yesterday for perhaps one of my last times after over 20 years, I learned that my beloved banker has had a heart attack. He will not be returning to this location as they are closing. A new location will also be near and convenient for me. However, it is unknown as to when that will occur or if he’ll be there.

How are you with your most recent changes? Are you blessed with a banker you love? Ki to Happiness honors love as key to all our relations.


Corn moon

I returned from my travel on this corn moon. As I respect the various rules of all the safe reopening in different places, I harvest the lessons from the road.

Reflecting on my family, my old friends, and my mentors, I will be integrating for sometime to come. Fortunately, I have the time and space to do so. The abundance of love, and richness of the depth of relationships are the bounty I savor.

What is this moon reflecting for you? How bountiful is your harvest? Ki to Happiness is grateful for the growth of summer.



Flying in this environment requires patience, and acceptance. Safely starting to re-open in this area includes my mother resuming her volunteer position at a local hospital. Yet here at the airport, there are new restrictions on hot water receptacles and boarding passes.

Grateful for the experiences throughout this trip, I’m happy to abide by whatever the rules are now. Finding a quiet space, I begin my practices.

Have you flown during the time of the Covid? Or are you continuing to stay safe and stay at home? Ki to Happiness is always ready to board.



In preparation for departure tomorrow, again I face big changes. This is part of the reality of travel at this time. Beyond my control, my route and timing have changed. Fortunately, yoga holds me in conscious flexibility and strength.

I have been blessed with this time together with my family, friends and mentors once again. I know not what the future holds. I know only that I have been fortunate to be able to have spent this time as I have…Continuing to practice, and share, as I travel.

How is your flexibility? Strength? Ki to Happiness balances both consciously.



10 years worth of weather has had a destructive effect on my yurt. In this environment of four full seasons, wind, rain, sun, and snow have all battered it, revealing its weakest points. With little to lure us out, my attention has been able to turn toward its repair.

When I was a kid, I took sewing classes. As a teen I got a job using those skills working with cobblers. In my 30s, these skills morphed into marine canvas work, due to my boat’s being thrashed by Hurricane Iniki. As I contemplated the repair of the yurt, in meditation I was directed to use dental floss and darning needle to weave the yurt back into shipshape.

What lessons have you learned in the past? What relevance might they have in your present? Ki to Happiness stitches the past together in the present for the future’s benefit.



I have happily returned to my family and the yurt. Far away in my neighborhood, there was a bank robbery on my corner and a stabbing in my nearby woods. I am safe. And I share that safety with those of you who read these words.

Had I been there, I would also be safe. I’m good in a crisis. It’s often after the crisis has passed that the repercussions affect me. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may accompany the healing process. Re-orienting oneself into the present moment of safety, we all move forward.

Are you good in a crisis? How able are you to move into safety? Ki to Happiness lives in Divine Safety.


Slow down

Finding my way in this unusual environment back to my mentors, there’s been a need to act swiftly. So much slowness in the safe reopening, and many efforts to bring me here has kicked up my swiftness. Sharing greatly, and deeply has required a certain speed.

Having done so, now it’s time to slow down. Integrate. And reflect. Realizing I may never see them again, the most important part is ahead. All is well that ends well, so I’m slowing down to make sure that I do my part.

What’s your speed? How does that serve your purposes? Ki to Happiness shifts gears.


There’s no there, there

Road tripping into my alma mater, I have reunited with old friends. It’s amazing to feel time disappearing. As if not a moment has passed since our last visiting. Even while masked, at social distances, in the sweltering heat, the essential connections continue.

The space, however, has changed greatly. Roadblocks surround my old house. The creek where my dog, Sam, once played is cemented over. I blinked, and miss the entirety of campus town. Newly constructed boxes replace old ornate Victorian architecture. On the outer, I find there is no there, there.

What do you find when you go back? What goes with you as you go forward? Ki to Happiness finds plenty here, Here to companion me on my way.