I am sorry for the break in my blog streak. My blogs have been posting to my old site. Let me try and see if I can get this here for you today. And you could still read those blog posts on my Facebook page. They are entitled humanity, and the Long view.
Category: Uncategorized
Dear readers
I am seeing that the last couple of days, my blog post has been posted to my old page. I will be able to clean that up very soon. And if you want to check it out, simply go to the possible sites of key to happiness. And choose the other one with my picture on it. There you will find Yesterdays in today’s postings, regarding humanity, and the Long view…
Mandatory masks
Following our governor’s mandate, it is now a misdemeanor to be in public without a mask on. With my lifestyle, that requires very little change. I am willing to mask as I enter public spaces rarely.
Across the street, I shop for groceries while masked, heeding the emergency declaration posted. Returning home, looking across the street in the other direction, college students leave their fraternity, without social distancing, or masks. They return joyfully toting their 12 packs back home. Playing beer pong outdoors, no masks, no social distance.
Which side of the street are you on? How well are you dealing with the idiosyncrasies in your area? Ki to Happiness observes both sides and resumes healthy practices of hOMe.
Easy does it
In venturing out yesterday to teach a private class outdoors, I experienced a different part of our county. In the beautiful park, few were masked. Socially distanced walkers, runners, and sun worshipers were enjoying the magnificent view of Mount Rainier.
Unfamiliar with the area, I arrived early. Parking, I was fortunate to be witnessed. An old white guy in his vehicle was leaving a nice shady spot. I maneuver to allow him space as well as room for any traffic. It was unclear if he was leaving or which way he would be departing. In backing up and then making a U-turn and he rolled down his window and cursed at me, making several sarcastic accusations. As he left, I opened my window to consult with the witness. She validated my experience of his irritation being baseless.
Have you been venturing out? How are you accommodating the differences? Ki to Happiness remembers “easy does it”.
Heading out
Our governor, yesterday, announced that beginning tomorrow masks are mandatory in public spaces. I mostly stay home and stay healthy, and I am able to safely start in this phase 2 without needing to be in public often.
I have been asked to teach private classes outside. I look forward to heading out, teaching in nature, at a nearby park. It will be my first class without being live streamed In nearly 4 months. I look forward to socially engaging, while keeping a safe distance.
How able are you to adapt to the new changes in your area? What new circumstances will you be using your life skills in? Ki to Happiness loves what is.
Seattle summer
I first experienced in the fresh air and the mild temperatures of Seattle summer in the mid 80s. I remember the feeling cool air entering in unscreened windows. No concern for mosquitoes or flies, like the Midwest. Instead, a sense of openness.
Revisiting that feeling all these years later is one of the benefits of this time on the planet for me. I have spent most of my summers in the tropics sense my first trip here. Without the ability to fly to Bali, I remain here. I am enjoying the simple pleasures.
What simple pleasures are you able to experience? How different will your summer be? Ki to Happiness breathes deeply.
After watching Dr. Zach Bush, MD, I am celebrating my biome. On his one lengthy YouTube video, he beautifully examines life and death, with the awareness of our gut health. More personal than our fingerprint, the particular collection of bacteria and viruses that we all carry keeps us in balance.
After a concerted effort to change my biome, by removing inflammatory foods, and lots of yoga, I’m completely aware of how challenging it is. And, it is so worth it! A lifetime of refinement results in my healthy spirit mind body.
What is your relationship to your biome? How can you refine yourself to support its balance? Ki to Happiness sees beauty in nature to support mine.
Phase 2
This Monday ushers in phase 2 of our safe start program. Five live students are welcome to join us as we continue live streaming our full schedule of yoga classes. other retail establishments are opening, as are other service providers.
I am honoring this with a new fresh candle. Setting intentions with this new moon to stay healthy, at home, as we start to welcome healthy students back slowly. I reserve my exposure for this purpose.
How does phase 2 effect you? Safely starting to resume more interactions? Ki to Happiness always observes Safety First.
Father’s Day Eclipse
On this Father’s Day, we have a new moon. It is eclipsing the sun. This is a cosmic celebration. It portends a change in the way that we father. Doing so will result in greater consciousness for the next month, and new season of Summer, related to all we manifest.
No longer necessary for fathers to dominate with strict discipline, fathers are instead encouraged to look deeply within their hearts. There, we all find tenderness. The mind of the heart encourages that we father with love all we create.
Who has fathered you? What have you fathered? Ki to Happiness honors all who father with love.
Summer solstice
Today, we celebrate the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, with the most light. After spending Spring staying home and staying healthy, and safely starting to reopen, we enter phase 2!
We’ve planted seeds of intention together. We’ve nurtured them with our healthy habits. Now those seeds blossom, with harvest coming in 3 months.
What fruit will come? Any thinning needed? Ki to Happiness delights in the garden of intention.