

Those of us who are loving staying home and staying healthy you got some good news yesterday. In the state of Washington, we have another month to do so. Many of my readers are also participating in the meditations and yoga classes that we offer through the Hatha Yoga Center live streaming group page. I am also extending my commitment to continue in just this way.

This is certainly not how any of us expected to spend our May, 2020. And yet, adapting and adjusting to the present circumstances requires that we utilize our strength, flexibility and balance that we gain through our yoga practices, so that we can follow the highest guidance.

What is your highest guidelines? Is it time to deepen your commitment to your practices so this next month turns into a sweet retreat? Ki to Happiness is!



Welcome May! The merriest of months. As we stay home and stay healthy, we are able to make use of this ancient ritual. Plenty of our reserves of good cheer have been already utilized during this time of sequestration. As such any emotional material that you are no longer wanting to hold onto could be easily released.

Beltane invites us to dance around the fire. Celebrate the warmth and the light that are returning. This may require release of any emotional baggage or problems. Simply safely build a small fire. (In a fire pit, cauldron or fireplace). While it is burning, write down all that you are ready to release, especially anything that has come up during this time of staying home. Watch as the flames consume the paper, smoke rising, with your written words. When all has turned to cool ash, offer it to the Good Mother Earth.

What can you release? Now do you feel like dancing? Ki to Happiness does!


Making offerings

Continuing to stay home and stay healthy for a while longer, I have been inspired to make little altars everywhere. Daily, I make offerings as I petition for support. And yet as we continue through this unusual time, I have been moved towards making specific offerings to each and every anthropomorphic principle that I have turned to. Incense, flowers, tea, jewelry and gemstones now grace my statues of Brahma, Vishnu and his Avataric manifestations (Rama, Krishna, and Buddha) and Shiva as well as their Consorts and Helpers, Mahalakshmi, Sarasvati, Durga, Sita, Radha, Ganesha, Kwan Yin.

I do so in gratitude for all that has been destroyed, making room for new creation, even as we sustain the best of the old way, and shift into what will be next.

Who have you been turning to? How would you like to thank them? Ki to Happiness thanks all Helpful Beings, turning to them, and turning into them.


Healing dreams

As we continue staying and staying healthy, utilizing many tools and skills, we had an opportunity to convert this challenging time into a personal retreat. With practice balancing our emotions through the breath, yoga practices strengthen and open the body, and contemplation and meditation the connection to Divinity deepens.

Without attaching to the outcome, in time, with persistence, the results materialize. Consciously overcoming over reactivity, accepting life on life’s terms and surrendering to the Highest, we wisely evolve. Sometimes the evidence shows up in dreams.

How well have you been sleeping? What symbols are arriving in dreams? Ki to Happiness witnesses deep healing dreams.


Stimulus check

Thankful for the US government including me and sending the stimulus check. Surprised to find it. While it does not begin to offset the amount of financial loss that I have experienced in the past six or seven weeks, I am very grateful for it.

I am grateful for the US postal service for delivering it. And that my bank allowed me in it’s locked doors so that the masked and gloved teller could receive it from me.

Have you received your stimulus check yet? What will you do with it? Ki to Happiness Will be using mine so I can continue serving… Here, in my meditations at 8 AM, and at Hatha Yoga Center as I continue live streaming…



As we continue staying home and staying healthy, I am remembering the social changes that occurred during the auto immune deficiency syndrome epidemic. Initially denied as a problem, it was blamed on a marginalized section of our communities. Ultimately, the sexual freedom of the 60s and 70s stopped. In its place were condoms, tests and ID cards.

Safe sex has become a part of our cultural norm now. And people are now able to live with HIV, enjoying a full life span. Perhaps as we move forward, we will similarly adjust.

Where were you during the AIDS epidemic? How willingly do you participate in safe sex now? Ki to Happiness adjusts and adapts to this ever changing world.


18 years

Today marks our 18 year wedding anniversary. Bob and I met 23 years ago. We came together to begin our yoga teacher training program. When 9/11 happened, we bonded together and decided to marry here in Seattle.

We were conducting our first graduation from our Bali yoga teacher training program. We wanted to have our rings blessed by the local priest for our May wedding. Instead, he married us. A month before our intended date in Seattle. The ancient Sanskrit language used for such a ceremony is not translatable.

Where were you 18 years ago? What surprising developments from then are continuing to be a part of your life now? Ki to Happiness celebrates the surprising elements in life.


All is Useful

Continuing to stay home and stay healthy, I have been making some improvements to my space. As I find clearer needs and ways to meet those needs, I am re-creating my home and work space around me to adapt.

In doing so, I came across some material intended for repairing auto bodies. I remembered using it in my early days, driving old, beat up cars around. It occurred to me that I could use it instead to fill a hole in my ceiling. And then paint it. Suddenly, in mixing up the filler, and adding the stabilizer, it was as if my 16-year-old self was telling my 59-year-old self exactly what to do.

What old abilities are you remembering? Can you see how everything has led up to now? Ki to Happiness realizes all is useful.



Continuing to stay home and stay healthy, I’m happy to report that there have been major issues in the background in my life circumstances which are changing. As I focus and continue to serve in all the ways that I need to, I have been able to observe that I am being helped.

My bathroom shelves are now painted. Old remnants from my past have been released physically. New devices have arrived, and have been set up. Problems which have ripple through our many years here, are being solved. Like Stephen Colbert’s “meanwhile” segment in The Late Show, the good news doesn’t grab headlines. And yet it deserves to have the spotlight.

What are you noticing in your background? Are you experiencing improvements in the small areas of your life that don’t usually get full attention? Ki to Happiness sees the results of the Invisible.


St. George and Al Khidr

Today, many places around the world venerate Saints who are associated with healing. The “Green One” has been helping those lost in the thick of illness, in the barren desert, and in the spiritual journey.

Whether we honor him as Saint George or as Al Khidr, we are participating in ancient prehistoric petitioning of the anthropomorphic energy of dragon slaying. In this way, we find our way back to safety with magical assistance.

What dragon do you wish to slay? When you are lost, where do you turn? Ki to Happiness slays the dragon of fear with the sword of safety from the Helpers.