
Elemental Cleansing

Continuing to share with you details of my morning practice for your own usage…

After my chakras are cleansed, and I am grounded, I begin with four sets of four balanced breaths for each of the four Elements of the body. Earth, Water, Fire and Air all respond to breath entering and exiting differently. Feel free to start with a shorter amount of time with each breath, as needed.

Earth (physical) cleansing occurs as we inhale through both nostrils for 10 heartbeats and exhale for 10 heartbeats also through the nostrils. Water (emotional) cleansing occurs in as we inhale through both nostrils for 10 heartbeats and exhale for 10 heartbeats through the mouth. Fire (spiritual) cleansing occurs as we reverse that, inhaling through the mouth for 10 heartbeats and exhaling through the nostrils for 10 heartbeats. Air (mental) cleansing occurs as we inhale through the mouth for 10 heartbeats and exhale also through the mouth for 10 heartbeats. I take little sips of water after each breath.

How balanced are you feeling? Which elements do you most relate to?Ki to Happiness relates to all Elements with balance.


Handy mudras

With mercury retrograde, I continue to back up into descriptions of my morning practices. In addition to breathing into each chakra and invoking Lord Shiva, I use particular hand positions (mudras) to direct energy.

In a comfortable seated position with hands face down in the lap, a gentle fist can be made with four fingers coming to the base of the palm of the hand and thumbs outward pointing towards one another. This position is for the root chakra. doing this as I inhale invoking Lord Shiva, exhale, and take a sip of water cleanses that energy center.

Similarly, for each of the subsequent chakras, with a 15° incremental movement with thumbs shifting upward by 15° for the second chakra, another 15° for the solar plexus chakra another 15°, (now thumbs are straight up) for the heart chakra, another 15° now wider open with the thumbs for the throat chakra, another 15 wider open for the third eye chakra, another 15° wider open, (now the thumbs are pointing away from each other) for the crown chakra, and lastly another 15° wider opening outward and download slightly, for the transpersonal point. The final grounding breath retraces each of these angles with thumbs wide open, invoking Lord Shiva, and then rotating the thumbs back down until returning to the start position. Concluding with palms face down on the lab for grounding purposes.

What hand position are you most often in unconsciously?Did you know you could direct energy with your hands? Ki to Happiness appreciates these handy mudras.


Mercury retrograde

Mercury has just shifted it’s apparent orientation, and now appears to be going backwards, bringing us all an opportunity to redo, rewrite, revisit, reevaluate our communication, as well as transportation. This gives me a chance to back up and further illuminate my morning practices.

Once I have invoked my Higher Self, lit the candle, and have my water at the ready, I take nine slow deep breaths invoking Lord Shiva. He is the first Yogi, and his number is nine, which is the number of completion. In this way, the anthropomorphic principle of Lord Shiva completes energies with which we are finished.

I breathe into each of my seven major energy centers (chakras) with his mantra, (Om Namah Shivaya) taking a sip of water before each exhale. My eighth and ninth breath are all the way up to the transpersonal point, 18 inches above the head, to remove designated energy in that “seat of my soul”. In my ninth breath I integrate all 8 points, starting with the transpersonal point, and descending through crown, 3rd eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, genitals and root, concluding with the grounding mudra, hands face down on my lap.

What communication do you wish to redo? Which energies are you reevaluating as ready to be complete? Ki to Happiness calls on assistance for daily cleansing on all levels. 


Light the candle

Continuing to share with you the various aspects of my morning practice, I light a candle.Simply sitting with the candle light and enjoying the sense of warmth and presence it exudes is meditation. Yogis, swamis, priests, shaman all sit by the fire, the flame, or a candle. This connects us to all others who have participated this most basic spiritually centering practice throughout all of history.

The flame is like our spiritual aspirations,buffeted about by the changing winds. The wick, like our spine keeping our heads upright, keeps our efforts ever Upward. The wax is like our daily experiences, which when processed, melts, in order to keep the flame of aspiration burning.

How does the candle serve you? What other object may bring you such a service?Ki to Happiness lives close to the flame.


First Things First

In Winter’s hibernation and introspection, my habits remain the same as they do through the rest of the year.In my morning practices. I set the tone and intention for my day.With my water prepared from the night before, the first thing I do is blend it together so it’s warm.

As I sit comfortably, I invoke my higher self. I do so using the Sanskrit words in the following mantra: Om Namoh Gurudev Namoh Gurudev Namoh Gurudeva. I chant this mantra three times.

You could do so using any words you like. Simply sitting and drinking some water quietly, comfortably, envisioning the day ahead of you for a few minutes may already begin you on your path to creating a new habit which is supportive and uplifting.

How could you invoke your higher self? What words would you use?Ki to Happiness vibrates sound to uplift.



Once the chocolates have all been consumed, and the roses have lost the petals, what remains is the love that we have shared, romantic and otherwise. The regular practices sustain us, in the direction of our loving intention.

I would like to utilize the next several blog posts to share with you some of the details of my regular practice. How we start the days influences the way the whole day unfolds. To prepare, it’s very helpful at night to make the way ready for the morning.

For instance, I drink warm water first thing. At night before bed, I make sure I have filtered plenty of water, and that I have hot water at the ready to blend for the right temperature. Going to bed early means I will have a chance to wake up early enough so that I can have the time to myself that I need.

What practice would you like to have first thing? How can you prepare at night for such? Ki to Happiness upholds regularity of practices!


20 year Anniversary

Happy Valentine’s Day to you, dear readers. This day has meant many things for each one of us through our lives. From childhood’s silly cards that were exchanged or not, to this days celebration, romantic love and its mythos are featured.

I divorced my first husband on this day 40 years ago. And I kissed my present husband for the first time on this day, 20 years ago. In between these two extremes, the continuum of love, lust and life spreads out for me.

How will you observe this day? What aspects of One Love do you court? Ki to Happiness loves Love, and the great Beloved in us all.



Preparations for tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day is underway for those of us who observe. Flowers, candles, special foods, and red, pink, purple attire are all symbols our appreciation of love in our lives.

The yogic understanding of loving relationships is that this is the outward manifestation of the inward marriage between two principles. These principles a variety of terms: Yin and Yang, ida and pingala, male and female, receptive and active. Bringing harmony between these opposites results in an internal union.

How is your internal marriage? Are you aware of the outer as a mirror of the inner? Ki to Happiness realizes all true love is One.


In 3s

They say bad things happen in threes. A friend of mine recently had a terrible wreck, which I blogged about. Then another family member of hers was struck by a car. I had this terrible foreboding feeling without there would be one more significant problem.

Yesterday’s flight home for her required an emergency landing. The six loud explosions and the airplane turning around alerted all to the danger. Five minutes later they were safely on the ground. She has made it through #3.

When you receive unwelcome premonitions do you keep them to yourself? How quickly can you return to gratitude once dangerous has passed?  Ki to Happiness resumes the attitude of gratitude as soon as possible.


Seeing the Signs

Little signs of perfection are so helpful for me. I needed a stamp. I didn’t have one. I thought maybe somebody in my class would. Somebody did! I needed the letter mailed. I thought somebody might be able to help me with that. With a stamp affixed, there it went, That allowed me to continue with my busy day, serving as I am able.

My own tendency is self-reliance, and independence. Learning to reach out for assistance allows me to let others also be of service. Together, all is possible!

What are your tendencies? Do they allow you to see the little signs of perfection that are everywhere? Ki to Happiness relies on Higher Self the most!