
Earth Day, new moon

Let’s celebrate the Earth! As the last of the moon’s light disappears, we come in to black moon tonight at 10:30 in my area. This is a good day for letting go of every last bit of fear, anxiety, tension, anger, loss, sadness, frustration and negativity. Clear out all that hinders you, or sabotages you. And look around you.

See how the earth is bouncing back. See how the mountain peaks are visible for the first time in decades in polluted areas on the planet. See how the water is cleaner. See how other animals are rebounding in their ability to reproduce. See how Mother earth cleans up quickly. Let’s do it her way.

With all hindrances removed, what wants to be created? How would you like your freed up energy to manifest in the next 28 days? Ki to Happiness wants to create and manifest love, harmony and beauty.


End of this moon

Tomorrow, for Earth Day we have a new moon. Today, reflecting back on the last month will yield valuable insights. during last month of staying home and staying healthy, as much has been revealed from within.

In the light of your self discoveries, today is a good day to clean up anything necessary before tomorrow. Let’s start fresh for the next month of staying home and staying healthy.

What needs to be cleaned up? Any loose ends? Any apologies needed? Ki to Happiness is wrapping all of our efforts in a big bow as an offering to Mother-Father God-Is.


One World

Home, together, with all the other viewers, we were joyfully entertained by the concert. Keeping that vibration alive as we now respectfully continue staying home and staying healthy for another month is the marathon. Making joyful sounds, moving the body consciously, avoiding taking any of this personally, and realizing we are all effected maintains the vibration.

With strong uplifting vibrations, the immune system is benefited. Taking responsibility for our health includes diet, rest, water, sunshine, attitude, fresh air, and exercise (Dr. W. Safe). This obligation preceded the present crisis, and will remain long after it has passed.

What else does? How are you doing with Dr. W. Safe? Ki to Happiness gets regular check ups!


Farmers market

I excitedly went up to give my support to our local reopened farmers market. My desire was to give them money, for their many efforts, and bringing us healthy food. Perhaps purchasing things that I didn’t really need. The gray day, the mist in the air, the chill of the wind, foretold of a different experience.

I was met by the security guard wildly gesticulating. I needed to go around the block to enter in the one-way direction that was allowed. Doing so, the head counter had a line around the block with masked and gloved people waiting their turn to go in. I returned empty handed.

How adaptive can you be to these changing circumstances? When reality reveals itself how gracefully can you release your fantasy? Ki to Happiness adapts gracefully, recognizing all is well.


Texas Opening Early

With the news that the state of Texas is planning to open early, I celebrate this day that had been projected as our peak, with relief. And caution. I am thrilled that we will be slowly but surely also re-opening. Perhaps not before our established May 4 target.

Many blessings and gifts have come our way during this time of adjustment. My prayers and hopes for all of us include that we bring the benefits and lessons forward in a way that allows us to have gained greatly from what has been a very difficult time.

What have you learned? What benefits can you bring forward? Ki to Happiness learns from all circumstances and has benefited by expanding my compassion, accepting life on its own terms.


Things are getting better

Once, when I had a terrible time in my life, I watched a little video that was heartbreakingly uplifting. In it, a circumstance even worse than mine was being portrayed. And there was a little song in the background. The lyric was simply “things are getting better“. And as I began crying, I started singing . I am doing that again now just remembering. I started crying, and singing. And envisioning that my circumstances could also turn around like what I was watching.

And they have. Since then when I wanna remember, I don’t need to watch the video. I just need to start singing again. Often the tears come. And so do the smiles. I’m singing it to you now “things are getting better.”

What is your song of upliftment? Can you sing it now for me? Ki to Happiness is with you here in tears and songs.


Farmers market reopening

In the university district in Seattle, Washington, our farmers market is about to re-open. I share this good news from the original hotspot in the United States of this present health crisis. I support the farmers, and have believed them to be essential this entire time. Provided that we can keep appropriate social distancing, like we do at the grocery stores, it seems perfect.

There are more cars on the streets. More students have returned to their apartments. And while studying at a distance, they are moving about. With masks. And maintaining space between them.

What signs are in your neighborhood of the next shift coming? How do you imagine the shift? Ki to Happiness sees signs all around of the shift toward a more peaceful and harmonious world.


React or Respond

Dr. V. A. Shiva, from Massachusetts has recently contributed valuable information to the subject of the present health issue. His background in biological engineering brings him into the awareness of systems theory as it applies to wellness. Instead of overreacting emotionally, physically, and economically all would do better to respond consciously and calmly.

As a psychotherapist, I have often observed in my many clients similarly a needed shift. Backing away from overreacting, checking into what one’s reaction might be so that a conscious choice can be made. In this way, a more healthy response can you come forward.

How are you reacting to the present circumstances? What will assist you in consciously responding from your highest values? Ki to Happiness is response able! (Responsible for ones own happiness)


To Give and Receive

Over 30 years ago I begin working with re-defining some of my early conditioned spiritual believes with the help of the tool which is called A Course in Miracles. Today’s lesson rings as true it as it did all those years ago for me. And so I bring it forward today as it may help us as we navigate our reconstruction of our world.

“To give and receive our one in truth.“ This lesson offers us a chance to live in the manifestation of the consciousness that yoga brings us to. Yoga, meaning union, brings us into a state of consciousness in which we are aware that we are all connected as one in our Highest. In this awareness, whatever I give is given to me. And whatever I receive is received from me. There is no other. All that appears to be other, is another manifestation of the one consciousness of which we are a part.

What would you love to receive? To whom might you give it? Conversely, is there something you’d like to give? How would it feel for you to receive it? Ki to Happiness gives love and in doing so, receives it!


Easter Monday

Now, as our humble stay-at-home feasts have passed, we return to the awareness of the necessity to stay healthy. Rationing the Easter candy for the kids and resuming some of our own healthier habits may be helpful.

Rumi says “ Humble living does not diminish. It fills. Going back to a simpler life gives wisdom”. Just in case you neglected to wash your hands yesterday, or allowed for more social closeness, or made a nonessential trip, today calls us back to our present reality. Wisdom will result.

How are you after your feast? What discipline did you let go of that today you would like to recommit to? Ki to Happiness recommits to wisdom practices.