
20 year Anniversary

Happy Valentine’s Day to you, dear readers. This day has meant many things for each one of us through our lives. From childhood’s silly cards that were exchanged or not, to this days celebration, romantic love and its mythos are featured.

I divorced my first husband on this day 40 years ago. And I kissed my present husband for the first time on this day, 20 years ago. In between these two extremes, the continuum of love, lust and life spreads out for me.

How will you observe this day? What aspects of One Love do you court? Ki to Happiness loves Love, and the great Beloved in us all.



Preparations for tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day is underway for those of us who observe. Flowers, candles, special foods, and red, pink, purple attire are all symbols our appreciation of love in our lives.

The yogic understanding of loving relationships is that this is the outward manifestation of the inward marriage between two principles. These principles a variety of terms: Yin and Yang, ida and pingala, male and female, receptive and active. Bringing harmony between these opposites results in an internal union.

How is your internal marriage? Are you aware of the outer as a mirror of the inner? Ki to Happiness realizes all true love is One.


In 3s

They say bad things happen in threes. A friend of mine recently had a terrible wreck, which I blogged about. Then another family member of hers was struck by a car. I had this terrible foreboding feeling without there would be one more significant problem.

Yesterday’s flight home for her required an emergency landing. The six loud explosions and the airplane turning around alerted all to the danger. Five minutes later they were safely on the ground. She has made it through #3.

When you receive unwelcome premonitions do you keep them to yourself? How quickly can you return to gratitude once dangerous has passed?  Ki to Happiness resumes the attitude of gratitude as soon as possible.


Seeing the Signs

Little signs of perfection are so helpful for me. I needed a stamp. I didn’t have one. I thought maybe somebody in my class would. Somebody did! I needed the letter mailed. I thought somebody might be able to help me with that. With a stamp affixed, there it went, That allowed me to continue with my busy day, serving as I am able.

My own tendency is self-reliance, and independence. Learning to reach out for assistance allows me to let others also be of service. Together, all is possible!

What are your tendencies? Do they allow you to see the little signs of perfection that are everywhere? Ki to Happiness relies on Higher Self the most!


February Full Moon

The beautiful full moon’s light is on all of us. This season of introspection and hibernation yields much to ponder. Much has been revealed.

The intentions we set forth a couple weeks ago on the new moon begin to materialize. Course correction may be necessary to continue as desired.

What is being reflected to you? How gracefully can you adjust your course to accommodate what you are seeing in this light? Ki to Happiness witnesses Spring’s beginnings even in the middle of Winter.


History of Yoga

As more and more yoga hybrids are available, I find it richly rewarding to immerse myself in the history of yoga. Recognizing and respecting the 6000 year old path helps to steer my practices including the practice of teaching.

Yoga’s principal aim is to calm the perturbations of the mind. If sampling the yoga hybrids results in greater perturbations of the mind, it is not meeting its aim. Experimentation requires discernment in assessing the results of the research.

How are your experiments going? What results do you find in your research? Ki to Happiness respects the past, experiments in the present, and discerns for the future.



A few years ago, I looked up a significant person from my childhood. I reached out and got no response. Recently, I tried again. This time I heard back!

I hold the information I received as if on a loading dock. Not trusting the person to tell the truth, I’ll keep what has been shared at an arms length. When the facts check out or not, perhaps then I’ll bring it in from the “loading dock”.

How resolved are you with the significant people from your past? What ” facts” do you need to check out for closure? Ki to Happiness persists in resolving the past for healthy closure, benefiting the movement forward…


Before the Court

Two years ago there was a conflict I witnessed. Today, my videotapes of the event will be presented in court.Others have previously presented partial video tapes of the event, skewing the facts in the direction of their intention. My offering perhaps will give a bigger picture.

I am relieved to not be involved in the hearing. I am able to stay persistent in my practices and continue my integrative hibernation in the middle of winter. It is deeply satisfying to contribute to truth coming forward anywhere.

What conflicts have you witnessed? What records do you have that might bring truth to light? Ki to Happiness remains content as truth is presented before the court.



Winter is locally precipitating. Nonstop rain with a wintry mix in particular microclimates has made traffic a mess. Schedules are challenged. Flash flooding requires detours.

Hibernation and integration are facilitated by this wintry weather. Deep study is perfect at this time. Old information is new again with a chance to focus and concentrate.

What are you discovering as you spend more time inside? How might it best support the spring that is certain to follow? Ki to Happiness welcomes the deluge, certain of the flowers which will result.



20 years ago, my previous fiancé broke up with me. Our particular needs required that we allow ourselves to head in different directions with an intention to reunite. Instead, the distance and tension became too much. So on the phone, he “got me off his back”.

In the moment, it was very upsetting. And now, 20 years later, of course I am so glad that happened. My life as it is would not have been possible and I remained “on his back.”

What upset are you going through? How might it look to you in 20 years? Ki to Happiness has confidence in the healing power of time.