
Depths of Winter

Still, the snow comes. The cold winds blow. The naked trees cast their silhouettes against an icy sky. Short days and long nights spent mostly indoors bring up the “cabin fever”, a need to open a window, bring in freshness, or bundle up and head out before becoming “shack nasty”.

With the intense flu season upon us, and the threat of a pandemic, our time spent inside perhaps the safest. And when we go out, we may have a need to ensure we have washed our hands, and that we have appropriate face mask, if vulnerable.

What are you discovering during the depths of winter? How safe is your cabin from fever? Any nasty in your shack? Ki to Happiness balances going out and staying in.


Here and There

I learned that a dear one was in a terrible accident in another country. Everyone is OK. That’s the most important thing. Now it’s time for her to recover from the shock. And to stabilize the body, integrating the blessings and the lessons.

At a great distance, work and play occur, continuing to bundle up in the cold, appreciating the groundhog’s shadow. The Super Bowl concludes with winners and losers. Winter proceeds toward Spring.

Rumi says “what is here is there. What is there is also here.” Ki to Happiness connects both in loving gratitude.


Groundhog Day

This midwinter day is also known as Imbolc to the ancient ones. Halfway through the dark cold season of hibernation and introspection, it helps to know that we are turning the corner.

Spring is on its way In the northern hemisphere. Light is returning since solstice, however it’s ability to be seen today and cast a shadow foretells whether our spring will arrive in 6 weeks or later. 

What blessings have come to you so far this winter? How healing and nurturing has this season been? Ki to Happiness recognizes the potential each part of the year brings.


St. Brigid’s Day

Welcome February! Saint Brigid is honored on this day as well as tomorrow. In the depths of winter, she is celebrated as a harbinger of Spring. She is invoked for fertility, healing, prosperity, and protection.

She is the epitome of kindness and generosity. She has been conflated with the pagan Celtic goddess Bridget. Haitians invoke her as Mother Brigid.

What needs protection in your life? How abundant are your winter stores? Ki to Happiness thanks St. Brigid for her protection and blessings throughout the year.


Old Videos

A couple of years ago I made a poorly recorded video. I was inspired to reach out of my comfort zone and use my cell phone as events were unfolding. My unsteady hand, and unfocused eye captured truth, from my vantage point.

I had no idea that that would be helpful in court next week. I had no indication that conflict would ensue, recording in my device both sides of a story, half of which had been taken out of context and broadcasted on social media.  It was not my intention to be the keeper of information which may bring resolution for the conflicted parties.

When have you ventured out of your comfort zone?What truth have you been the keeper of? Ki to Happiness knows innocent actions matter.


108, again

After my first 20 blogs I switched from my computer to my cell phone 108 blogs ago!Being a generally non-technical Yogini, I am celebrating that I’ve been able to use this tool easily, readily, when traveling, and throughout the fall and now deep into winter. This time of hibernation, and introspection has been uplifted as I share with you some of the many blessings of my practices.

I am alive. I love yoga, teaching, training, and working privately as well as in group settings with people in need of a safe container in which to process life’s material ever toward healing. My own requirements brought me to the path of yoga, as well as many other integrative practices as I have stated here before. Reach out this way if you are interested in any…bodily support, mental and emotional clearing, and spiritual upliftment.

What hurts? Any lingering issues for you could use some attention? Ki to Happiness finds love, light and warmth in the dark coldness of barren winter.


Your Dent

Mary Frances Berry is an activist and a voice for choice. Amidst the many systems and structures that are now breaking down in our country, and on our planet it can be easy to become discouraged. MFB recognizes that and uses it to continue the good fight for the Earth and her inhabitants.

She sees the injustices, inequalities and planetary exploitation of resources as a wall.Those activists who’ve gone before us have made their dents in that wall. She insists we each persevere and make our own dents. Climate change, social justice, human equality all need us to actively make politicians act on our behalf, for which they have been elected.

What dent have you made so far? What do you need in order to continue to make your own dents? Ki to Happiness acknowledges your dents and continues along side you making mine.


Every Foot a Shrine

Today we celebrate Saint Thomas Aquinas. (1225-1274)In his simple and direct voice, he is able to convey profound concepts in simple terms as a result of his nearly scientific approach to studying metaphysical texts. Here’s a favorite of his 100+ remarkable works. 

“Every Foot a Shrine”

Every creature has a religion.

Every foot is a shrine where secret candle burns.

Every cell in us worships God.(Goddess)

Every arrow in the bow of desire has rushed out in hope of nearing Him.(Her)(Them)

Ki to Happiness treasures the sacred voices from the East and West, all conveying the Aquarian spirit of brotherly (sisterly) love.



I am celebrating the anniversary of my birth 59 years ago today. I have a keen awareness of how it is that my body came out of my mother’s. I am made from her flesh. I am forever grateful for my time spent inside her, preparing me for what has been a long and interesting life, filled with healing. And of course I appreciate the DNA from my father as well, although he had a minor role in my physical reality. My big brother showed me the way. Wonderful to have been celebrated early with my family of creation here at Hatha Yoga Center!

My life would not be worth living had I not shared it with many significant friends. Those that remain in my life are golden, and those who have exited have left their mark on my soul. Furry friends share these blogs with me in the early mornings after yoga practices, teaching me more than many who on their hind legs.

 Do you know how grateful I am for you? How aware are you that you also have become an important part of my life? Ki to Happiness celebrates each new day and each contribution to it!



There are readers and there are readers. I appreciate you, Readers, for reading my blog. I also appreciate readers who consult particular oracles and decipher their messages and meetings. On the recommendation of a neighbor, I found my way to a tarot reader and astrologer for my birthday.

The stars at the moment of my birth are effected by the star patterns now presently transiting the heavens. These geometries reveal points of tension as well as ease for my upcoming year. The tarot reading was able to give me pictures to symbolize these issues. Together, I’m able to navigate my path more gracefully and gratefully.

What helps you navigate? How might a reading assist? Ki to Happiness recognizes the Truth is woven into all things “for those who have eyes to see”.