
All the Saints

In all times and places, there have been those among us with exceptional faculties. We celebrate their miraculous manifestations on the earth.

These Way Show-ers have demonstrated some of the infinite potential encoded in our DNA. Previously much of our DNA has been considered junk. Now we’re finding that, when activated, tremendous powers and abilities are available to us.

Invoking particular saints for specific needs opens the portal to the possibility. Saint Anthony, for instance, is called upon by many different peoples for assistance with finding lost objects. Reaching out to these energies, calling upon them for assistance, we are able to manifest their potential here and now.

What assistance could you use? In what areas of your life could you benefit from a broader potential? Who in your life has manifested miraculous possibilities? Ki to Happiness thanks all the saints on this, their day.!


Hallowed eve

Today’s holiday prepares for tomorrow’s celebration. All of the dearly departed are welcomed, danced with, given treats, and acknowledged for their contribution. Tonight, allowing their tricks to come forward, and giving them treats is the way this holiday began.

The ancient ones considered the veil between the worlds to be thinnest on this particular day. Opening consciousness to the awareness that life will not continue in this flesh forever, it is kind to the soul to ready for this eventuality. As we remember others who have come and gone, we set the path for our exit.

Which rituals of this holiday serve you? How can you best express your higher consciousness amidst so much commercialism? Who has departed this year from your life, and how can you best acknowledge them at this time? Ki to Happiness appreciates your connection to the Holy in this day.

And will show up this morning at Hatha Yoga Center’s 10 AM class…



As change occurs around us, with the seasons, and with life itself, our habits sustain us. Good habits draw other good habits to them. As do bad habits. Each of us gets to decide on which is good and bad for our particular constitution and needs. Of course, this evolves through our life span.

In these ways, when change is upon us beyond our control, what may bring through our truest intention is collection of good habits that we have set forward every day. Brushing the teeth, making the bed, taking out the trash are good examples of habits that continue even during transitions in life. Adding new habits to these may be insure they become established and continue along with those already ingrained.

What habits would you like to add to those that are already existing in your life? Flossing adds nicely to the brushing ritual. Putting away the pajamas works well with making the bed. Taking out recycling combines with the trash removal. Reading Ki to Happiness may join with your established patterns for greater body-mind-emotion-spirit integration!


Deepening Darkness

Finding the light within becomes easier in contrast to the deepening darkness. The yogic Mahamantra of the Gayatri encourages this awareness. In the chant, we ask that the outer light be subdued so that we may find this light within ourselves.

Spending time in areas and times on the planet of tremendous sunlight, these days of deepening darkness are appreciated. Now, in the autumnal increase in dark nights, morning practice is illuminated from the Christ-light within you. The Buddha- light. The Highest-light. looking outward from this Light, all shines.

What gifts are you experiencing in this darkness? What light is revealed to you when the outer realm is subdued. What strength have you found when you have admitted your own weakness? What practices support you in these ways?Ki to Happiness joins you in this all pervading Light!


New moon

Now, in the midst of letting go, the lunar cycle prepares us for what will come to fill the void. The last moon has emptied itself of its light and energy. In this moment of deeper darkness, it serves to become thoughtful, intentional, and specific.

Releasing any attachments to what you have let go of, burying any hatchets, forgiving all that is possible frees us to create a next new cycle full of transformation. Resisting the temptation to hold on to being right, or any grudges, or any outmoded patterns of being allows us to utilize the Scorpionic aspect of the energy upon us.

What would you like to transform? How can you best set your intentions for the next month? Ki to Happiness welcomes the new while releasing the old…


Big Wind

As autumn continues, the big winds begin to blow. The rains come, sometimes hail, then back to rain. The gorgeous leaves splatter down from the trees onto the earth. A mosaic of their hues create a carpet to walk on, softening our steps. Tree trunks and branches are exposed, like skeletons.

Sometimes, transitions similarly enter life like these big winds, exposing structures underneath. When releasing the agents of growth, like the gorgeous leaves, what remains? Now, visible is the result of efforts. Summer yields taller trees, longer branches, thicker trunks.

How do you handle the big winds in your life?What are you able to see now, having lost some of your leaves? What growth and progress is now visible as you release your agents of the last growth cycle? Ki to Happiness sees.


Morning Practice

Whatever is done first thing in the morning sets the tone for the day. In the quiet dark coolness, solitude surrounds like a blanket. Lighting a candle, the awareness of a greater Presence is ignited. Dipping into It, by giving It attention, gratitude, and an opening, the day is illuminated from within. Diving into It, and swimming in It, the day is saturated with Its golden liquid light.

This resources Body-mind-emotion-spirit for a full day of intentional living. Doing so habitually, one day leads to the next with an ongoing consciousness Presence. Refining ourselves, correcting our choices, evolving into the Presence, life becomes smoother.

What needs refinement in your life? In what way could you shift your morning practices to include that intention? Ki to Happiness awakens with you.


The heroine of flight 1165

Boarding flight 1165, one passenger was reeking of alcohol and other perhaps controlled substances. His behavior was erratic, he was couldn’t communicate clearly, he thought he was going to another city, and he was unable to manage his seatbelt.

Discreetly, a passenger seated across his aisle alerted the flight attendants. They had seen his irregular gait, and seemed to have an awareness that he was perhaps a danger to himself or others on the flight. Yet it took a passenger making a statement about it, for them to act on that awareness. And they did. Without resistance, he exited. And the flight proceeded. All was safe for the hundreds of passengers and the flight crew for our trip.

What heroic acts have you witnessed? How gracefully are you able to handle inappropriate behavior? How can you best appreciate those who take right actions? Ki to Happiness applauds the unsung heroes!


On time

Readying for flight, loving the words “on time”. May it be so! Prepared with all that’s needed for a safe and comfortable trip, and now letting go of any efforts to control.

So many lessons for travelers. Many benefits from the ability to move about on the earth, experiencing different ways to live, different needs and adjustments, different beliefs and philosophies. Broadening and expanding compassion, understanding, and connection.

What have you learned from your travels? How do you benefit from moving about? Who else benefits? Where do you wanna go next? Ki to Happiness would love a “Post card”.


‘Tis Autumn

The chlorophyll exits the foliage, and what remains? The true colors of the leaves, previously obscured by efforting towards the sun, towards nutrition, towards life, towards reproduction, are now revealed. The brilliance of reds, oranges, yellows, goldens, and purples, glow forth. The fertility of the green goddess is removed like a dressing gown. In the buff, the Crone struts her stuff.

Wisdom, knowledge, and experience replace ignorance, naïvety, and ignorance. As we sync with nature and her rhythms, our losses become true gains.

What are your true colors? How have your efforts obscured them? When maturity beckons, will you greet it with open eyes and arms? Ki to Happiness welcomes its process, as well as your questions, comments and contributions…