Traditional talk therapy with body awareness as our postural habits cover the unconsciousness in ways to be revealed. Once done so, more conscious choosing is possible to live freely in the body with balanced emotions.
Family Systems Analysis
Utilizing the enneagram, access family patterns for greater evolution for yourself, your kids and the rest of your anceastors.
Balance emotions with life force energy bringing a still point between joy and sorrow, fear and safety, anger and will.
With the written word privately expressed, transmute your emotions into your truest desires to cast a spell on your life. Download Spell Casting template here.
Sniff your way into the awareness of the full specturm of emotioas to enpower your ability to choose! Rose = Foregiveness, Juniper = Safety
Color Therapy
Prismatic possibilities abound and yet many of us choose simply the monchrome pallette and then wonder why we see everything in black and white! Instead, working with the colors of the day, sync with the endless possibilities to express the richness of your potential.