
Facing fears

As we stay home and stay healthy, there may be new information that you are discovering there. You may find that there are places in your house that you have not spent much time in. Perhaps you’re afraid of the clutter, or afraid of the others with whom you are sequestering . There may be deeper intimate issues coming to surface. And if you are alone, you may be facing your shadow material. Here is your opportunity for growth.

Here is your opportunity for evolution. Take a breath and acknowledge the fear, the resistance, the avoidance. Recognize the truth in the history of all you’ve been through. And in the light of that, allow yourself a moment to consider that your future could be different in your past. Certainly, your present is different than it has ever been. Imagine yourself for just a moment utilizing the safety you feel right now, right here expanding and increasing.

From the safe space, take a moment to glimpse, or peak, at that what you are afraid of. See it in the new light of possibility. What does it look like now? How safe do you feel? Ki to Happiness faces fears with safety.