
Following Guidance

Driving from my yurt 4 hours south to check on my brother and his healing, I had a sudden urge to pull over. I didn’t need a bathroom stop, or anything to eat or drink. I tried to disregard the impulse. Instead, I followed guidance.

After a few minutes walking about in the sun on the grass at the edge of the woods of the rest stop I resumed my trip. A couple of minutes down the road, traffic came to a full stop. When we resumed a crawling pace the jack knifed semi truck in the meridian became visible. Emergency vehicles were heading toward the tragedy, requiring extraction of the driver. If I hadn’t pulled over at the exact moment I did, I would have been a part of the disaster, not just a witness.

Are you willing to follow guidance? What tragedies have you been saved from for doing so? Ki to Happiness thanks the Guides and Guardians.