
Fullness moon

This full moon lands on the 39th anniversary of my psychotherapeutic career. Having spent the last couple of Covid years reworking my manuscript about it, I feel filled with memories of the thousands of hours deeply witnessing other’s personal processes. I am forever benefited by my clients’ courage and bravery to look within and change what they can about themselves to become a better representative of their wholeness.

My teachers, therapists, and mentors all have contributed to my own interpersonal process which effects how I offer my professional services. My peers walk beside me on a broad garden path all heading toward on open field of loving acceptance of all that is. Like the serene moon, sometimes bright, sometimes dark, constantly changing.

What fullness do you feel with this moon? How can you best embody it? Ki to Happiness embodies body mind spirit integration to the he best of her ability today like everyday.