
Hallowed Eve

Tonight’s festivities on Halloween are originally meant to clear the energy for tomorrow’s feast for All Saints. Whether we observe with costumes, skeletons, pumpkins, black cats, and pointy hats or not, the veil is thin between the physical and non physical worlds right now. Especially with the new moon upon us, how we observe these days will be affecting the future.

The most stress inducing election in our country of recent times occurs soon. Tempers flare, mailboxes have been set on fire in two states, and hypersensitivity to any word choice fill the news. Becoming conscious of these energies, we may be able to choose peace and union, and move away from the unconscious projections of war and division.

How will you observe this Halloween?What would you like the outcome of these energies to result in next month and beyond? Ki to Happiness clears the energy in preparation for celebrating the many Saints who inspire, heal and guide us toward peace.