This weekend, we are at midwinter. Some observe it as Groundhog Day (2/2) others as Imbolc, which can last several days starting 1/31 and continuing past St. Brigid’s feast on 2/3. In celebration, we had our first snow yesterday as if the weather pattern aligned with our calendars.
We sat inside our snow globe of the Hatha Yoga Center and gazed upon the marvel of rain, turning into snow, then back to rain in between sun breaks. The cats watched the marvel with us as we drank fig date smoothies with yogurt and crunchy granola. Walking out into it, we witnessed eagles soaring above seagulls and crows.
Do you have the time to marvel at the spectacles of nature? What forces of nature inspire you most? Ki ti Happiness takes the time to reflect on midwinter and is inspired by all forces of nature, seasonally cycling through life.