
Miracles abound

There had been a little log jam of energy that has now shifted. Astrology described it in its particular language. Being fluent in that language helped me not take it personally and empowered me to do my part, patiently acting on Higher Guidance.

My new acupuncturist helped energy flow through my wrist, as I learned of successful legal conclusions for one of my friends, health improvements in our studio manager, and positive vibrations regarding my upcoming trip to visit mom. These miracles compounded with former clients returning to my caseload, long-term students resuming attendance at the studio, and helpful customer service regarding recurrent digital charges. I awaken to clearer eyes with which to observe these miracles.

When energy is stuck, what helps it move again? When energy is flowing, how quickly can you let go of the story about the previous blockage? Ki to Happiness helps energy move by following Higher Guidance revealed in meditation and starts looking for abounding miracles.

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