
Moon’s End

Today is the last day of the passing lunar cycle, concluding with tonight’s new moon. it’s a good day to finish up any remaining aspects the past month’s efforts. That will allow us to set intentions before bed or on first arising tomorrow for the next new month.

For many of us, the last month has included confusion, disruption, hindrances, and overall chaos during the eclipse portal, with mercury retrograde having a longer lasting influence than usual.  Many of those disrupting energies have been resolved. During your reflection today, you might find one or another issue that you could finalize so that the next month is free from the remnants of this challenging time and what remains is the progress that has occurred due to your perseverance.

Can you take time today to reflect on the last month? Which steps can you take to finalize any of the issues that have come up so the next lunar cycle is free to manifest the progress you’ve made? Ki to Happiness reflects and finalizes loose ends for further progress in the next month.