
One year of Healing

Last year on this date while preparing to teach class, I fell and broke my left wrist. It has healed now and I have learned a great deal in the process. On the practical level, I learned to stop carrying too much in my hands at the same time, which is related to a lifelong pattern of doing too much.

Beyond that, I also learned that in my neighborhood I have tremendous helpers, including my chiropractor, acupuncturist, and Ayurvedic physician. I also learned I have great support and back up from those who covered my classes when I was unable, including Bob Smith, Chris List, Kelly Kalac and Karen Bullard.  In these ways, I am grateful for the injury as it has helped me evolve and grow on many levels.

Do you have a tendency to do too much? Who might help you so you don’t have to learn the hard way? Ki to Happiness heals and learns from mistakes, growing evermore grateful.