
Sabotage and perseverance

Sometimes the tech gremlins seem to sabotage my efforts. It requires perseverance to hang in there, and stay committed to the purpose of the efforts. Joining forces with others, to benefit us all remains my mission.

Hindrance, blockages, and delays could throw me off. I could let it stop me, but I won’t. While I still live and breathe, I recommit to my primary objective of serving the One in All.

How do you deal with sabotage? Are you able to persevere with your true intention? Ki to Happiness lives and breathes life into service.

One reply on “Sabotage and perseverance”

This message “speaks to my condition”, as the Quakers say. Last night I was very tired from adjusting to a new job with a commute. Everything there is new, even while the field is one I have inhabited for decades. In one week, I remembered, in every cell, what I love about higher education as well as why I left. For this year I will persevere, while holding them both.
I had a glorious morning- floating for a while in the sound, the cool water awakening my circulation, enjoying being weightless and completely alive . . . .then going to my favorite class of the week the beginning class, which went very deep today. A surprise visit from my son for lunch and a dog walk came next, and some satisfying cello practice . . .
Feeling deeply happy, I sat down to set up my new work-related electronic identity. And the bliss came down with a crash of obstacles, that make me question my intelligence and capacities. For tonight, I’ll cry uncle and come back tomorrow, when my emotions have had a chance to stop making everything worse. I don’t enjoy technology. But I do enjoy this blog:).

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