

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. These 26 words have helped innumerable people evaluate their lives from an effective perspective.

In these first blogs, have invited reflection on this season of Fall, our relationship to letting go, as well as our body-mind-emotion-spirit. Presenting modalities to facilitate greater happiness, this prayer deserves a central role in progressing forward. Utilizing the Serenity Prayer reorients attention to discernment, evolving us toward the wisdom possessed within the Higher Self,.

Taking responsibility for for one’s own happiness, Serenity follows, empowering us to choose again and again in the direction of guidance, constantly available to us.

What do you need to accept? What changes can you make? What encouragement will best help? Let Ki to Happiness and the modalities presented support you along your path to greater happiness!