
Snow Moon

Today’s full moon is called the Snow moon. The record breaking polar vortex has synchronized well with it as we have still have some white stuff on the ground from last week and more is forecasted. Grateful for warm clothes, shelter and heat, we bundle up for classes and slowly disrobe as we warm up.

The chill brought birds to our suet for the first time. Our ferns are wintering in the bathroom at night, drawing our curious cat noses to the closed doors. These tiny blessings warm our hearts as we practice and teach the Salutations to the Moon, and Sun, meditating on the wonders of nature and ground in knowing we are part of it.

What blessings are you aware of during this full moon? What treasures appear in the cold and dark of winter? Ki to Happiness salutes the moon and sun, dark and light, cold and heat as is the tradition of Hatha Yoga, finding balance between these opposites.