
Sunset smiles

In the midst of a busy and productive Labor Day, we had lunch with friends. Over our tasty and nutritious Thai food, we shared some recent consciousness expanding experiences.I revealed some images that came through my most recent Ayurvedic treatment, and they disclosed their experiences with clinical MDMA.

One of the remnants from our talk is the importance of corpse posture, preparing us for the sunset time in our lives.  Practiced daily, we can smile at sunset, recognizing that we have done with our lives, exactly what our Higher Self intends. Corpse also invites us to make course corrections to ensure we aren’t wasting our precious life on our lower impulses without the need for controlled substances or expensive treatments.

Have you done all you are supposed to with this precious life? What do you need to do so you can smile at sunset and the sunset time in your life? Ki to Happiness sits and smiles at sunrise and sunset.

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