
Light Rain

As I taught my morning class in the cool, clear air, the students and I delighted in the freshness. After the bodies warmed up and we deepened into the student’s particular requests, we sat for brief meditation. I directed our consciousness to open to the sense of light entering through our crown chakra and grounding it through our spines down into the Earth.

Just then, the skies opened and released the rain. Perfect timing for us all to witness this magic. In our sensitive state, our perception shifted to see the glory in this most mundane weather moment.

What helps your perception shift? Can you open to the Light constantly raining down on us? Ki to Happiness sees, hears and feels the glory with the shift Hatha Yoga practices offer.

2 replies on “Light Rain”

I was walking in the light rain, head held high and breathing freely and deeply. I did not know I could so comfortably and joyfully walk two complex and powerful rescue dogs! They were working hard as we started a new way of relating.
We passed a father and daughter, running serpentine in the puddles of a parking lot. She asked him to take off her hood to feel the rain on her face and head. My face and head were also enjoying the fresh wetness.
Feeling eager for class tomorrow!

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