

Spirit rides the wind! This great Sufi saying is referring to our breath and its connection to Spirit. Breathing our way into conscious connection with the Breath Giver is an ongoing practice of awareness that keeps us in constant contact with source.

Prayer and Meditation are two other method of connecting with source. Chakra balancing, past life regressions, Reiki treatments and attunements, 12 step recovery programs all offer ways in which we can align our consciousness with Higher Power.

As the weather cools and the sunlight hours diminish, it is natural to begin to reflect on seasons and cycles. Light and warmth found within the hearth of the heart can shine forth, deepening our faith.

What deepens yours? What brings you to spirit? What moves your soul? Which modalities inspire you to reach Higher Self? How can Ki to Happiness facilitate your hook up to Source? Be in touch to further your Self!