
E- Motion

Thoughts create a cascade of chemical reactions which are experienced as emotion, or feeling. Expression of this energy results in motion, change, creation, evolution. Inhibition of this natural process blocks the flow of this energy, truncating its influence, and energy becomes stuck in the body.

Expressive arts, writing, painting, sculpting, music making, dancing, singing, chanting, sports, psychotherapy,and pranayama all potentially give vent to these pent up energies, clearing them from the body. This gives opportunity for further examination of the patterns underlying the emotion so choices can change.

The information in the emotion contributes to the refinement of our path as we shift our choices to more accurately reflect what is now known, bringing to consciousness formerly unconscious material.

In the Fall, we are stimulated by the changing light, the cooler temperatures, the scent of the sweet wet earth, the sounds of leaves crunching under foot, the taste of apple cider to remember past seasons and unprocessed energies that would benefit from motion…

What movement does your energy want? Where can you safely express it? With whom? When? How about now and here?

Ki to Happiness invites you to interact as you release the past and move into the present, refining as you reflect on the future.