
Being Real

Living at the edge of our existence brings us present. Many seek out the experience through adventure or extreme challenges. Unconsciously we may bring it on through injury or illness.

As we become aware of this, we can choose consciously to go to our edge through our breath and yoga postures. Once we arrive at the end of our flexibility or breath capacity, we find ourselves anew. Being real, present and awake to the marvelousness of life is it’s own reward.

What helps you to be real? How gracefully can you choose those situations, circumstances or conditions? Ki to Happiness chooses to be real with yoga practices.


Earth Day

As we celebrate our collective home of the earth this day, let’s do so as we ground in abundance. Every breath we take has been provided for us. Every step we have taken, we have landed on solid ground eventually.

Every hope and dream has been ignited from an invisible flame. Every feeling issues forth from the fountain of our being. I am a vessel of these abundant blessings with you.

How comfortable are you with being an earthling? Can you open yourself to receive the abundance of the good mother earth? Ki to Happiness is blessed to share this earthly home with you a while.


Inside Out

Life accumulates our unprocessed material. Then something comes along and triggers our awareness of it stored within. That gives us a chance to see what it is and be present to it.

Like a deep wound that requires fresh air, we heal from the inside out. This takes time and a willingness to remain open and vulnerable. Doing so, fun can surface from the site of an old scar, and joy may replace the scab of indifference.

To what do you need to be present? Can you open yourself up and allow it to have fresh air? Ki to Happiness lives inside out.



Bob continues to improve in his recovery from his December stroke. In addition to figuring out a schedule of physical therapy that helps, without hurting, he also has taken care of all insurance and details to secure his coverage. The government is helping him in all these ways.

Yesterday morning I had some chest pain. I worked it out with his assistance, utilizing the activator technique to realign a rib. It’s great to be pain-free again, but what I’m really celebrating here is that Bob tracked on my issue throughout the day, checking in, and making sure that I’m OK.

How is your recovery from all that has occurred in your life? Are you doing well enough that you are able to track on others’ issues? Ki to Happiness has recovered and tracks like a bloodhound to discover miracles in ordinary life.



Yesterday I got my gold crown to replace my temporary. I’m balanced in my mouth now. This one matches the identical gold crown I have on the other side of my mouth.

When I get the first one, I knew I’d need the second one. There was no indication at that time. My intuition is now validated.

Do you listen to your intuition? Are you able to be patient until it is validated? Ki to Happiness appreciates all that is revealed through yogic awareness.


Lilac love

We took the Easter basket down to our 29-year-old, Jai. He loved all the special treats. He shared with us the big project he’s been working on as well as his recent participation in several friends’ weddings.

Then he climbed the scaffolding outside his kitchen window to cut some lilacs from the century old border around his rental house. Returning home, we place the lilacs in four vases. Lilac love exudes it’s fragrance throughout our home and Hatha Yoga Center on this Easter Monday.

What kind of love did you share yesterday? Can you still smell its fragrance? Ki to Happiness sends you lilac love.


What Rises

As all the great spiritual paths honor what rises, we are drawn to reflect. Whether Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Sufi, Hindu, Buddhist or Indigenous Earth Based Spirituality has been your path, this is a time to open the cave of our being and see what’s there. What’s left behind.

When we see there is nothing, we may grieve, gnash our teeth and pound our chests. We are at the precipice of our understanding. If we can remain there and breathe, we may also let the nothingness lift us beyond ourselves into the Everything.

Which path do you tread? Where does it take you? Ki to Happiness has tread them all to come to the same placeless place, following the traceless trace of what rises in us.


Libra full moon

The energies that have been stirred up recently come to fullness with the moon in Libra, the Scales. This could bring about a balancing effect of the many emotions brought forth with several planets in watery Pisces. All of the great spiritual paths are observing Holy days, bringing the Highest Potential forward.

Maybe you feel the shift toward greater balance already. With it, perhaps you can see your unconscious material more clearly. Through this process, resurrection of your Essence becomes possible.

How is your balance? What clarity do you need? Ki to Happiness chooses to manifest her Essence with balance and clarity.


Unstable atmosphere

On Yesterday’s Maundy Thursday, the weather exhibited extremes. Sun breaks dappled through the dark heavy clouds as rain, sleet, hail and snow fell from above. As if the heavens relived the epic events in the Garden of Gethsemane, the unstable atmosphere let all hell break loose.

My animal instincts kick in anytime the barometric pressure changes erratically. I hunker in squat position. Fortunately, that is yoga pose that facilitates digestion.

When do your animal instincts kick in? How can you best protect the small furry one of your heart? Ki to Happiness lays low until the atmosphere is more stable.


Dream Warning

Since Bob’s stroke in December my subconscious has been busily working on alternate plans for a future without him. He’s doing very well. He will likely be around a while longer.

As that has been revealed, my subconscious reports to me in my dreams. One of my contingency plans played out while I slumbered. I’ll heed the warning as I am grateful to have gotten a clear message.

What do your dreams reveal? Can you take action on their message? Ki to Happiness integrates the message and gives thanks to the messenger.