
One hour

What a difference one hour makes. Knowing that today’s the day to spring forward one hour, I made sure I ate my dinner an hour earlier, so I would go to bed early. Every morning begins the night before.

Instead of resisting early rising, I welcome it daily. Especially today as this ritual of changing our clocks is a harbinger of spring. In deep darkness and silence I welcome what is.

What difference does one hour make in your life? How well did you prepare yourself for this? Ki to Happiness awakens in joy.



A new Birdsong fills the air. Cats frisk about at the sound. It’s almost spring, and our animal nature feels it.

Hatha Yoga Center can fully reopen today after two years of restrictions and mandates. Our small stable group will welcome back those who join us. We have all remained healthy the whole time.

Have you remained healthy for the last two years? Are you singing a new song? Ki to Happiness sings at first light with the birds “we made it!”


Reiki Infused Candles

One year ago Steven Spiritwalker Rhodes did not post his daily Reiki infused candles. I missed him and his offering so I reached out to his community and learned of his passing. In my grief over this sudden loss, I committed to continuing in his stead.

I never met him personally, yet he supported and offered healing to us all. I benefited personally as I went through several challenges otherwise alone. Having received from him, I have the same support and healing to offer.

What healing and support have you received? How can you best offer it? Ki to Happiness gives what she has received.



Years ago during one of my husband’s medical crisis I shared with a few people privately some of the negative consequences I experienced. Recently, I was much more public about his stroke and his recovery. He is doing so well now, I’ve retraced my breadcrumbs back to update those who supported me privately.

The breadcrumbs have been tasty. Each person that listened to me then has delighted in learning the news of his and our recovery now. I’m honored to attend to this sacred process so today’s truth replaces the previous truth, relinquishing the old story since it has revised itself.

What old story do you need to update? Who do you need to contact? Ki to Happiness witnesses stories revising themselves.


March 9

As I started my practices this morning, I looked at my calendar and thought it was March 10. My body stiffened in response. It knew that was incorrect.

Correcting myself, my body relaxed. It’s March 9, and I get to live it. What a gift.

How will you live this day? Can you feel its blessing? Ki to Happiness delights before dawn in the simple awareness of this unique day that has never been lived before.


Love Collection

I read books I love. I listen to music I love. I spend time with the cats I love. I practice yoga I love. I walk to my special place in the woods I love. Often, I say things those I’ve loved have said.

I give credit to them, in their absence from my life. Lean on your own spaghetti, my grandma said. My love collection helps me do so.

How is your love collection? Is it time to give some credit to those who have loved you even if they have left? Ki to Happiness gives love from her abundant collection.


Creative juices

After a little break from my writing project, my creative juices started flowing again. In 20 minutes I was able to address areas of needed revision which on Friday stopped me in my tracks. Writer’s block requires only that.

Any block to our creative flow requires this simple solution. Dancing, cooking, making music, problem solving are some of the creative areas I’ve witnessed this process in. See if it applies to your creative endeavors.

When energy stops flowing in a particular direction, why push? When energy flows in a particular direction, why block it? Ki to Happiness flows with creative juices and takes a break when they stop flowing only to return to creative pursuits as energy flows again.


Peaceful silence

Fog fills the air. It’s insulation subdues the sounds. Silent stillness crackles inside my meditation.

This peace is free from drama, excitement, worry, anticipation, or anxiety. It is all there is. I share it with you as there is an infinite supply which we can open up to with our free will.

Did you get up early enough to experience this silence? Can you harness your free will to align with peace? Ki to Happiness crackles before dawn.


Quick shift

Working away on my manuscript brought me into frustration. I did not let that deter me. I continued until it was no longer fruitful.

Recognizing the way that annoyance, agitation, and multiple restrictions inhibit creativity, I stopped my efforts a bit earlier than planned. As I entered my present, leaving my past behind in my manuscript, I quickly shifted into gratitude. I love my life, my cats, my home, HYC, my clients and students, yoga, and my simple healthy lifestyle including my marriage.

How quickly can you shift from problems into solutions? From frustration into gratitude? Ki to Happiness is resilient.


Marching Forth

As the news cycle reports escalating conflict many watch with growing tension in the body. Traumatic personal history may be triggered and result in a sense of futility and paralysis. Don’t let this get stuck in your body.

Instead, march forth. Conquer your fears by safely taking yourself out for a walk. Feel the power in your body, the love in your heart and the Spirit of Guidance. Follow wherever It leads you to act, contribute and serve as only you can.

Where does your love want to be expressed?What Guidance do you receiving as you walk? Ki to Happiness shares her Higher Power with you through loving service.