
New shape

Adjusting to the demands presently upon me, I find my life has a new shape. Assisting Bob in every class in addition to teaching my full schedule shifts my priorities. Working privately with my clients remains at the top of my list, as my writing resumes a spot farther down.

Riveted to the daily efforts begins with my practices. Each moment crackles with attention. There’s no time to get myself in trouble. It’s just what I’ve always wanted.

What have you always wanted? Are you willing to let your life take a new shape in order for it to occur? Ki to Happiness isn’t messing around.



When the wisemen saw the star light shining in the east, they set out from their various locations to find it. Bringing gifts from afar, they traveled in the direction of the light. Frankincense, gold and myrrh befit the tiny newborn embodiment of the light, insuring health, protection and prosperity.

Last year this day’s observation was occluded by the insurrection at our nation’s capital. Today in observance of this anniversary let’s recommit to the guiding light in our lives having been blessed with the sight to see it!

When did you first awaken to the guiding light in your life? What humble gifts do you have to offer it? Ki to Happiness gifts my mornings to the Light of consciousness.


Real Estate

My body hums in this new year. I’ve watered my little chunk of Earth and tended it’s soil with right movements, stillness and nutrients. I awaken and roll into my practices in which I deeply check in.

In the month since Bob’s stroke I’ve released the trauma of partnering him thus far. With the great assistance from HYC community, family and friends, I’ve been able to care for my body-mind enough that my spirit vibrates throughout. I even resumed revision of my memoir.

How is your real Real Estate? What does your Earthy self need to feel the vibration humming through all us all? Ki to Happiness occupies her Real Estate completely.



The snow has melted and turned into rivulets, flowing toward the sea. The crunchy ice no longer inhibits our movement outside. While it is still cold, it looks completely different.

Inside, my practices melt any frozen feelings. They turn into rivulets of guidance flowing me toward the ocean of Oneness. This fluidity feels like freedom, enabling me to choose my choice ever more consciously.

How free do you feel? Are there any frozen feelings that need to thaw? Ki to Happiness stays fluid with yoga.


Look Up

Bob successfully taught his first full class after a month of recovery from his stroke. I demonstrated the postures he is uncomfortable with as I will until he’s comfortable again. We have a new system in place, adapting to the new year on the new moon with new needs.

We celebrated by watching the movie, Don’t Look Up. In yoga postures, we regularly encourage practitioners to do just the opposite. After seeing the movie, I will continue to encourage us to look.

Have you checked out Bob’s return to teaching yet? Do you have your new systems in place? Ki to Happiness says ”things are looking up when you are.”


New Moon Year

Our new year is now graced by a new moon in Capricorn. This year will end similarly. As such, the time in between is best spent renewing old systems.

Bob Smith resumes teaching today. His renewal includes a new system of having me demonstrate postures as he continues to heal from his stroke 4 weeks ago. My system of practicing yoga adjusts easily to this need.

What systems would you like to renew? How can you adjust? Ki to Happiness looks forward to new systems, adjusting to the demands of this new year.


Welcome 2022

I opened my windows to let out the old year like my Irish Grandmother taught me. I tossed out glasses of water to rid our field of emotional stagnation from the past. Deep house cleaning prepared the stage for these rituals.

Now fresh candles, incense, and new flower arrangements replace the old. My “new husband” slumbers as his body heals from last months stroke. Each moment crackles in possibilities. H

How did you release 2021? What is your best welcome for 2022? Ki to Happiness gives preference to those things that have worked before, as Mirabai encourages in her poem from the 1500s entitled Preference:

Stuck with another day (or year), how should we pass it?

If anything works for you before — I’d give that preference.


2021 ends

On this last day of 2021 it’s easy to look back on all the problems. Challenges, limitations and loss occupy much of the newsprint and digital reports thru the year. Inside each issue is another potential for next year.

I am choosing to look upon the potential. I see we have all been needing to learn new skills, and adjust our attitude and actions in alignment with the ever changing demands. We have been tested repeatedly, and have passed the tests. There are those who say we’ve all graduated with honors as witnessed from a higher perspective.

In retrospect, how does 2021 look to you? Can you see what a good job you’ve done, as well as those around you? Ki to Happiness sees your pure heart and appreciates every effort toward raising your perspective.


Catching up with me

I got ahead of myself. In shuffling my schedule and activities to respond to the issues at hand I had to let go. Part of me kept going while another stopped. Yesterday I had a chance to catch up with me.

Now I begin to stitch myself together, reflecting on 2021. It’s important to take this time to examine systems we’ve valued so we can upgrade them or discard them in favor of evolution. The fresh snow on top our frozen world and a cup of hot chocolate companion me in this process.

Did some part of you keep going while another part stopped? Can you take the time to catch up with yourself? Ki to Happiness companions you in the process.



My warm home and Hatha Yoga Center are delightfully peaceful and quiet. The outer realm is frozen. Cars have stopped trying to get up our small hill. Homeless shelters have opened so our doorways are free from being occupied.

Gentle conscious movements in the name of yoga keep me fluid. Tending to my cats, my students and clients, as well as my family keeps me connected to others. Expressing my emotions here, in song, and in writing keeps me from frozen feelings.

What needs to thaw in you? How gently can you warm those places? Ki to Happiness talks, trusts and feels the holy thaw with each practice, connection and expression.