
Classes as usual

Whether it’s Presidents’ Day this year or any other year, Hatha Yoga Center continues to offer classes as usual. If you have a little extra time off today, why not join us at 10 AM or 5:30 PM for LIVE classes, or anytime with those posted. You might use the practice to honor your Higher Self as it presides over you.

Taking responsibility to align with the guidance your higher self offers constantly may require some adjustments. We are blessed in this country to have learned about such things as liberty and justice for all. As we take this seriously, may we let freedom ring.

How will you observe the day? Is it time for you to honor your Higher Self who knows all about liberty and justice? Ki to Happiness lets freedom ring.


Extra credit

In addition to my usual morning practice, yesterday I joined a meditation online. I replenished my energy after teaching two classes by chanting the Gayatri mantra 108 times with 1100 others all over the globe. Doing so enriched this morning’s meditation as well.

I held the visualization suggested by our leaders of a white rose, like the dozen on my altar. It’s strength is gentle, it’s scent sweet and pervasive. I smiled from start to finish, free to delight in our shared practice, our common bond, and the sense of connection.

After your usual practices, how about some extra credit? What additional practices will strengthen your sense of connection to our common bond? Ki to Happiness is bonded with all others on the path of truth, peace and unity.


Karate kid

I remember in the original movie The Karate Kid there was the scene in which the teacher had the kid put “wax on and wax off”as an exercise. I am feeling that way with the most recent announcement that King County is to keep masks on. The day before we were told masks could be off March 21.

This brings up a tremendous need for patience. After two years in this holding pattern, that is on short supply. Fortunately, my practices replenish my ability to resource patience, kindness, and peace from the Infinite Supply chain.

How are you doing with the exercise? What resources are you in need of from the Infinite Supply chain? Ki to Happiness adapts and adjusts with masks off or on.



March 21, 2022 Washington will be allowed freedom from masks indoors and outdoors. Choosing to wear masks will continue for all those who so desire. As we transition into a more open society, may we stay healthy.

It’s a good time for vegetable soup, natural vitamin D from sunshine, and respect for individual differences. Boosting our immune systems and safely resuming activities will be a balancing act for all. I’m so glad for the yoga practices which offer support for both.

What is your plan for the transition? How can you remain balanced through the upcoming changes? Ki to Happiness plans to work on one legged balances and arm balances in nature.



Last night in my small stable group class, students informed me of our governor’s announcement. As of March 1, 2022 vaccine mandates and requirements in our state are no longer in effect. Individual businesses may choose to keep them in place, however Hatha Yoga Center will not.

This is good news to small businesses like ours which have been on restriction for nearly 2 years. We are grateful to have survived with our yoga practices and teaching schedule undaunted. We look forward to welcoming you back to live, in person classes as we continue to offer classes online as well.

With greater freedom what will you choose? Can you take responsibility for those choices? Ki to Happiness chooses freedom and is willing to take complete responsibility for her choices.


Leo Full Moon

Today’s full moon wants us to fill our hearts. The astrological sign of Leo governs the heart. Having just passed through Valentine’s Day, much may have been stirred regarding your heartfelt desires for love.

This occurs as the sun is in Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of humanitarianism. As such, we may take the desire for love out on humanity and give to it what we most want to receive.

What’s in your heart today? How can you best express it? Ki to Happiness opens her heart in compassion with all humanity is going through.



Amongst the valentines and anniversary wishes, many strong and loving gal pals reached out. One brought heartbreaking news. Now we are even more open with one another.

In my yoga practice I have found a tremendous open space in my heart from each heartbreak. I easily bend over backwards. I’m sure today’s backbends will be deeper and freer with more room for loving.

How times has your heart broken? Can you count each as a blessing? Ki to Happiness has been very blessed with many heartbreaks, resulting in much compassion and understanding to share.


22 Years

My husband and I celebrate our first date today, 22 years ago. We met as professionals and enjoyed a collegial relationship for years before. Ours has not been a coupling based on romance or attraction, but instead one based on shared values and practices.

We found mutual support in one another for the service we provide. Overtime and with repeated experiences, we found we could be good neighbors, travel companions, and good partners in yoga, yoga teaching, and training others to be teachers. That we both love cats, vegan food, and our Jai has made a family out of our foundation.

What love can you celebrate today? How solid is its foundation? Ki to Happiness celebrates the love of All that is.



Tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. Those of us who are in joyous coupling might enjoy flowers and candies while the rest of us wait for the day to pass. Since I first gave valentines to friends in grade school, I always feel the simple innocence of expressing my love for my friends.

When our sweet hearts join, distance and differences disappear. Connecting my fondness to yours supports our bond. Romances ebb and flow, yet the constancy of friendship sees me through all of life’s ups and downs.

How is your sweet heart? What will you do with all that love inside you? Ki to Happiness shares her love with all sweethearts everyday.



I was working on my manuscript yesterday. I had a challenging passage to revise. Just before I committed my hand written composition to the digital file I received a text from a dear client.

Her text told a story similar to mine. Her courage to share emboldened my voice. Our stories are One; the times, places and players are many. I write for me, for her, for us, for all.

Are you experiencing synchronicities in your life? Can that emboldened your path? Ki to Happiness doesn’t walk alone, but with all others toward the One.