

After watching Dr. Zach Bush, MD, I am celebrating my biome. On his one lengthy YouTube video, he beautifully examines life and death, with the awareness of our gut health. More personal than our fingerprint, the particular collection of bacteria and viruses that we all carry keeps us in balance.

After a concerted effort to change my biome, by removing inflammatory foods, and lots of yoga, I’m completely aware of how challenging it is. And, it is so worth it! A lifetime of refinement results in my healthy spirit mind body.

What is your relationship to your biome? How can you refine yourself to support its balance? Ki to Happiness sees beauty in nature to support mine.


Phase 2

This Monday ushers in phase 2 of our safe start program. Five live students are welcome to join us as we continue live streaming our full schedule of yoga classes. other retail establishments are opening, as are other service providers.

I am honoring this with a new fresh candle. Setting intentions with this new moon to stay healthy, at home, as we start to welcome healthy students back slowly. I reserve my exposure for this purpose.

How does phase 2 effect you? Safely starting to resume more interactions? Ki to Happiness always observes Safety First.


Father’s Day Eclipse

On this Father’s Day, we have a new moon. It is eclipsing the sun. This is a cosmic celebration. It portends a change in the way that we father. Doing so will result in greater consciousness for the next month, and new season of Summer, related to all we manifest.

No longer necessary for fathers to dominate with strict discipline, fathers are instead encouraged to look deeply within their hearts. There, we all find tenderness. The mind of the heart encourages that we father with love all we create.

Who has fathered you? What have you fathered? Ki to Happiness honors all who father with love.


Summer solstice

Today, we celebrate the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, with the most light. After spending Spring staying home and staying healthy, and safely starting to reopen, we enter phase 2!

We’ve planted seeds of intention together. We’ve nurtured them with our healthy habits. Now those seeds blossom, with harvest coming in 3 months.

What fruit will come? Any thinning needed? Ki to Happiness delights in the garden of intention.


Mercury retrograde

Yesterday, the planet Mercury has shifted its appearance. It looks to be heading backwards now. With it, there will be issues with communication, transportation, and electronics. Best used, these energies will allow us to reflect, review, and redo.

In your time of safe starting, there has been movement forward. These energies now give us a chance to improve the way in which we are doing so. Safe start, slow reopenings and an ongoing commitment to our truest values can optimize these energies.

Upon reflecting, what do you need to communicate? In this environment of safe starting, what do you need to transport? Ki to Happiness works with what Is.


A men

In returning to Seattle, I ventured out yesterday to take care of a few things. Along the way, an old white man attempted to use his sense of privilege to get me out of his way so he could do what he wanted to do. I continued on my way. Then I crossed the street.

In entering my building, there was a young black man sitting on our steps. Trespassing. And lying about it. He was attempting to use his presence to intimidate me. I continued on my way.

Is the issue race? Or age? Or gender? Ki to Happiness continues on my way… grateful for all the white, black, brown, yellow, red, old, or young men who are polite, truthful, and respectful.


Portable Safety Zone

After travel, I return home with fresh eyes. Having witnessed different parts of the country, and changes during the week I was traveling, now I relearn what my county require. It is as if I have been to a couple of different countries.

I continue to live in my own sovereign nation. Part of the way I govern myself includes respecting others needs, and adjusting to customs and guidelines wherever I am.

Have you traveled in the time of Covid yet? Are you able to change and adapt with the circumstances wherever you are? Ki to Happiness recognizes that I am a portable safety zone of consciousness.


Travel blog

I was inspired to begin this blog from a professional travel blocker. In this time of Covid, They have long since stopped traveling, and have nothing to blog about. Still here I am, blogging, and traveling.

Our travel is easier than ever. Eyes smile, while facemasks cover mouth and nose. Especially now as there is an increased awareness of the need to be kind and respectful across differences, there is a family feeling in the air.

Who has inspired you to do what you are up to? Are they still doing it? Ki to Happiness continues on the path that has inspired.


Flag day

In the United States today, we celebrate the flag. The red, white and blue of the stars and stripes have signified the true values of our country. Deeply embedded in our culture, this rugged individualism persists as we bravely pursue life, liberty and happiness with relative freedom.

Beyond polarities and partisanship, our predecessors fought for our rights. We have all benefited from their efforts. As an American woman, I have been able to become educated, heal myself, travel the world and experience other ways of being.

What does the flag represent for you? How are you best able to live by your values now? Ki to Happiness values that which unites.


37 years

While on the highest level, time does not exist, here in the realm of three dimensions, it certainly has a profound effect. On June 14, 1983 I began working as a psychotherapist. For the 37 years that have passed, deep listening with compassion has become my deepest and most regular practice.

I have learned from each and everyone of my clients. I have grown and evolved into a broader and more expansive understanding of humanity. I follow in the footsteps of my teachers, mentors, and therapists. And I continue, in their stead.

What has been your most regular practice? How has your work benefited you? Ki to Happiness embraces right livelihood.