
Winter Storms

Winter deepens in the Northern hemisphere. Cold winds blow. Rain, sleet, hail, and snow threaten. Transportation is hindered, if not hazardous. Exposure to the elements is potentially treacherous.

Warmth and light beckon us to shelter. Cooperation is required to share resources. Civilization of our individuality is required for survival of the many to be insured. Compromises and agreements are necessary for us to all be able to get along under one tent, metaphorically.

How cooperative are you? What agreements have you made?What compromises are too much for you? Ki to Happiness weathers every storm, adapting and adjusting to the civilized cooperation needed to compromise and uphold agreements consciously entered into…


Moonlight returns

As the eclipse resolves itself, the moonlight returns. Reflecting the sun’s light, we are able to see that which was otherwise obscured during the eclipse. The unconscious material which wants to become conscious is more available to us now.

At the Hatha Yoga Center, greater gratitude is revealed! While our building goes through necessary renovation with deconstruction, repair and improvements, our studio remains a safe shelter for persevering practices. Warm, dry, clean, relatively free from toxins, all are welcome!

When the eclipse occurred, what was obscured temporarily? What can you see more clearly this morning? How can that support your perseverance? Ki to Happiness looks through grateful eyes.


Full Moon Eclipse

Today, the planet is having a full moon with an eclipse. How each of us experience it is largely dependent upon our individual astrology. Likely, there is heightened emotional energy which may fluctuate. Simultaneously, many planets are presently in the sign of Capricorn, bringing necessary attention to the Earth, her systems, and our ability to respect them. This particular combination it’s very rare event.

Many of us have prepared for this moment, setting clear intentions with the new moon a couple of weeks ago, if not before, heeding astrological guidance as it relates to one’s particular needs. Revising systems, respecting and attending to the earth and our physical connection to it may benefit from additional kindness today, and continuing through out this year.

What systems require revision from your vantage point? How respectful and attentive can you be in doing your part? Ki to Happiness kindly encourages your emotions to inform you.



The significance of the number 108 is recognized by much of the world. Hindus and Buddhists alike have 108 beads on their Mala, like a rosary. Chanting practices include 108 repetitions. Numerologist consider 1 as the number of the God concept; 0 representing emptiness; 8 represents infinity and karma. Together (1+0+8=9) they represent completion of karma as God concept is revealed within emptiness infinitely.

Science also recognizes the significance. The sun’s diameter equals 108 x the Earth’s . Also, the sun’s diameter x 108 =the distance between the sun and the earth. There are more relationships between the moon, the sun and the earth that are also governed by the number 108.

Are there significant numbers in your life?Which karmic patterns are would you like to complete? What is revealed within your experience of emptiness? How has your God concept evolved? Ki to Happiness completes this blog streak having shared God concepts revealed within emptiness, evolving karma.



This is the 107th post in a row here. Tomorrow, as I post again, I will be doing so with the supreme support of the number 108. With this significant spiritual number, materializing that which has been intended and focused on so many consecutive times is more likely.

I share this personal and professional triumph with you, as I have had to overcome fears, doubts, technology, schedules, holidays, and many other hindrances. in doing so, I have increasingly become safe, certain, able, and stable.

What hindrances have you overcome? How have you benefited from persevering in your practices? Ki to Happiness celebrates every little victory!



Now that the holidays have all subsided, the decorations are put away, the treats and leftovers have been enjoyed. The visitors have returned home. Most travelers have unpacked. Attention starts to truly shift into this new year.

Perhaps the laundry needs to be done, or house needs to be cleaned, and the New Year’s resolutions may already need a revision. Your word of the year may be more interesting to you now. The dark cold wet of winter in the Northern Hemisphere takes hold.

What will remain of your holidays? How may the joy of reconnecting and deepening bonds with family and friends inform your new year? Who are you missing? Ki to Happiness infuses fond memories into this present moment.



Today is the celebration of the Epiphany. Three wise men followed a star in the east, bringing gifts of frankincense , gold and myrrh to welcome a newborn child. They followed guidance, and found something miraculous, which has been celebrated now for a very long time. Their “Aha moment” has become the inspiration for us to utilize of the word “epiphany”to mean striking moments of insight, awareness, enlightenment, and Satori, often brought about in the simplest ordinary events, like a child found wrapped in swaddling cloth lying in a manger where animals keep watch.

The gifts were brought from far away, bringing benefits to ensure the child would have enough resources to live, and grow, into a healthy and loving brother to All.

When have you experienced “Aha moments”? What gifts might you offer to that occasion of discovery? Ki to Happiness honors each enlightened moment with right offerings.


Saturn’s return

The planet Saturn has specific and far reaching influences into our lifepath. The placement of Saturn at the time of one’s birth indicates the karmas that are likely to be needing to be examined in the course of a lifetime. Saturns orbit around the sun takes between 28 1/2 and 31 years. As Saturn returns to the place it was when we took our first breath, we are faced with these issues. It often brings up the need to examine one’s choices thus far, and make course corrections. The next Saturn cycle is influenced by those changes and choices. As is the next.

What would you like to face when you’re 90? How can turning 60 facilitate that intention? Is 30 ahead or behind you? Ki to Happiness celebrates these cycles of life, welcoming the opportunity to grow into the future self, cocreating with the Highest Guidance.



Today, we reconvene the present Yoga Teacher Training. Our focus will be on Yantra. Yantra is a tool for meditative focus, using a visual stimulant to concentrate, contemplate, and integrate. Artwork, photographs, graphics, nature and objects as simple as a nail in the wall can be used. As the eyes become still, so does the mind.

We become whatever it is we meditate upon. As we focus the eyes, and mind, we begin to introject those objects into our consciousness. With repetition, we become absorbed in that which to which we are binding our eyes.

What are you looking at? What is in your surroundings that pleases your eye, uplifts your spirit, and keeps you focused on your truest intentions? Ki to Happiness chooses wisely what these eyes behold.


Posture of the Year

Every year our most senior students at the Hatha Yoga Center choose a posture for us to focus on all year. This year it was agreed that the posture will be Plank, like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg practices daily. Special attention on alignment, with classic cat and cow postures will broaden that focus to insure safety as we strengthen and open.

In personal training, Plank is considered to be one of the Pillar postures. It is basically the preparation position for push-up. Holding the posture while breathing, correctly aligned, results in a stronger core. With a stronger core, we are able to remain centered, as we experience these first days of 2020, and perhaps throughout the year, as well as the decade.

What practices will help you stay centered through this new year? In what way can you ensure safety as you strengthen your core alignment? Ki to Happiness practices staying centered safely.