

I safely landed at my destination, and got an easy pick up on the curb from my dear friends. We headed straight out to a concert where we had lawn seating. The wet grass and soft moist earth gave me the impetus to stand and dance.

Kicking off my shoes, I felt the refreshing grounding effect of being barefoot on the lawn. “Soothing, strengthening, cleansing and healing“ Chief Luther StandingBear calls this practice of the Sioux elders. I slept with dirty feet, continuing the grounding treatment.

How do you ground yourself? When’s the last time you kicked off your moccasins and danced on the good mother earth? Ki to Happiness grounds with spiritual practices of the Indigenous Ones.



“If you think you’re enlightened, visit your family for a week.” I chuckle as I reflect on this Ram Das quote. I’m doing my last minute packing for my upcoming trip for my mom‘s birthday where I’ll have another chance to check on my “enlightenment.”

I noticed a couple of items I placed in my luggage diminished my sense of enlightenment even before I depart. Like an anchor to a part of my past, releasing these items frees me up to sail onward toward my future. I no longer need “any port in a storm” and can be selective where I place my anchor.

When’s the last time you spent a week with your family? How enlightened did you feel well you were with them? Ki to Happiness lightens her luggage.


St. Expiditus

Yesterday I had a bit of a tight schedule. In addition to private sessions and classes, I had a dental appointment. I had concerns about the security of my E bike and couldn’t afford problems with the schedule.

I feel anxious about it in advance so I reached out for help. In addition to securing a safe location to park my bike, I prayed to St. Expiditus. Not only did the schedule run according to plan, but miracles happened along the way, which shows me evidence of divine intervention.

What do you do when you feel anxious? Who can you turn to for assistance? Ki to Happiness asks for help on the physical plane as well as in the spiritual realm.


Organizing preparation

Hatha Yoga Center will have a booth at the upcoming Maple leaf ice cream social. The event will take place at our nearby Reservoir Park at a time when I will not be able to be present. This has required organization and preparation.

Our team of six individuals will handle it well, as I let go of the reins. My task will be to support them from afar. After all these years of yoga practice, I still have not mastered bilocation, so instead I’m improving my ability to delegate.

Can you let go of the reins? How are your skills of preparing, organizing, and delegating? Ki to Happiness continues to improve skills and invites others to, too.


Power and powerlessness

During my weekly call with my brother, I learned that he went over 100 hours without power in St. Louis. With 96° temperatures, high humidity, and working as an IT person, that meant total disruption. I feel for him, and my friends on Guam, who have had power only intermittently for the last 40 days since their last typhoon.

I’ve lived through three category five storms. The longest time I went without power was two months. During those times of powerlessness, I learned to rely on my Higher Power evermore completely.

How dependent is your happiness on infrastructure? How can you best prepare for the big storms of your life? Ki to Happiness depends on Higher Power.


Sharing memories

Bob and I rode our E bikes down to that sweet garden so I could show him the secret nest. As we approached it, he realized his childhood home was but three blocks away. He shared memories of growing up in this neighborhood back in the 50s

When we returned home, he shared some other material that those memories brought up for him. I stayed open to his sharing with few questions or comments. It takes a long time to know someone well.

With whom do you share your memories? Can you wait for them to reciprocate? Ki to Happiness savors the sharing.


Secret Nest

Entering in through the wobbly gate, my friend and I saw chickens and raised bed vegetable gardens on our community member’s property. Continuing in through another gate, we found beautiful flower gardens, adorning the area around the front door where we landed to lunch. On the wall, there hung a sconce with vines tumbling out.

As we set the small table in the shade with our provisions, a small bird flew toward the sconce then out again to a nearby perch. Sipping tea, serving vegetable soup and munching on crusty bread and roasted cauliflower, we saw the bird repeat the flight back and forth to the sconce. Without disturbing the mama bird, we saw her secret nest filled with babies, mouths open for her next feeding of their tiny bellies.

Are you spending enough time in nature? Can you quietly observe enough to witness the special secret nests that surround us? Ki to Happiness breathes and smile with delight in witnessing the miracles of natural life even in this huge metropolis.


Summer Soup

Today, my good friend and writing coach had planned to go to a special favorite restaurant to celebrate our many accomplishments. We’ve both been so busy we have not been able to break away to celebrate progress. Taking a break today, we will enjoy ourselves after morning yoga.

I made a big batch of summer vegetable soup and roasted some cauliflower. I have an open invitation to one of our community member’s fabulous garden. I suggested we change our plans to enjoy this wholesome feast instead of needing to spend time diving to the restaurant which was met with agreement.

Which would you prefer? Eating out at a fabulous restaurant or picnicking in a gorgeous outdoor garden? Ki to Happiness chooses summer soup in the near garden.


Yoga Nidra

In the heat with poor air quality, my students reported wanting relief from tension and stress. After physically releasing through asana, they laid back in corpse position. I guided them through Yoga Nidra as they systematically relaxed any remaining in each part of their body.

As they exited, the cooler night with better air quality greeted them. I opened the windows to let their stress out and welcomed in the fresher coolness. Hatha Yoga Center is renewed and ready for a new day as am I.

How do you release tension? Can you scan through your body and locate where it shows up so you can relax it consciously? Ki to Happiness thanks Hatha Yoga for its many tool with which to refresh and renew body-mind -spirit.


Smokey Haze

This morning dawns hazey from the wildfire smoke downstate. Air quality is no longer good for outdoor activities. It should clear with rain and wind tomorrow.

I’m so glad we got out and enjoyed the day yesterday before conditions worsened. Adapting our activities to the reality of each season including fire season makes it easier to accept these things we cannot change. We’ll use air filtration and fans with windows closed for healthy yoga classes.

What can you change about yourself to adapt to your circumstances? Are you able to accept what you cannot change? Ki to Happiness grows more wise in each season walking the Serenity Prayer talk.