
Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from Hatha Yoga Center. My morning practice is full of gratitude for each and every one of you. Thank you for awakening the spirit of Christmas in your heart all through the year.

 Every day is Christmas with our practices.  Awakening to the light within and seeing it in others unites us in the higher consciousness called by many names. Sharing that gift brightens the darkness, warms the cold, and brings joy and peace.

What practices continues the Christmas spirit throughout the year? How can you share that gift? Ki to Happiness wishes you a Happy Holiday today and everyday with Hatha Yoga Center.


Posture of the Year

Before and after classes during this holiday season, community members are voting for the new posture of the year, 2025. Remote members are also welcome to vote. Each is given five votes to cast in whatever way serves-all five on one posture or five different postures with one vote each, for instance.

Our most senior community member instigated our tradition years ago. We have continued in his honor, despite his lack of attendance since the Covid years began.  We heard from him yesterday and honored him by inviting his vote whether or not he returns to class.

What would you choose as your posture of 2025? How would you like to hold yourself in the new year? Ki to Happiness wants to hold her head high and breathe freely and deeply with her heart set on the Everlasting in any posture as guided by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.


All is Calm

During this holiday season, there are magic moments of calm stillness framed by all the commotion. Gatherings, food, music, lights, and gifts can bring joy or tension. Settling into the space between, we may find silent stillness and the Christ Consciousness within.

Some call it the Buddha consciousness, or enlightenment. Whatever it is called, it is always available just waiting for our return to Its omnipresence. When we do, we experience Its brightness, the Light upon the Light.

Have you seen the light within? Can you allow yourself a few moments to be still and silent? Ki to Happiness awakened when calm and witnessed the Bright.


Fallen Crow

As I began my 9 AM class, a crow fell to its death from the Red Maple tree right in front of us.  Its wings spread in glorious surrender. I felt it as a blessing, a symbolic offering of sacrifice.

In yogic philosophy, all of life is sacrifice and rhythm, yajna and rta. Aligning our life with those terms, we are more prepared to face whatever comes and goes. Each moment cracks open to the possibility of offering loving service and evolution in right timing.

What sacrifices are you consciously willing to make? Can you evolve into accepting the timing and order of the Universe? Ki to Happiness accepts life on life’s terms.


Winter Solstice 2024

On this shortest day of the year, I reflect on the blessings revealed in the dark. During times of conflict, pain, injury, loss or scarcity, guidance and healing arrives. This deepens my faith that there is support for all of us as we seek for it, humble ourselves to ask for it and open our eyes to see it manifesting in Its right timing.

After 2+ years of reporting to Find it Fix it, the graffiti was removed from our near Victory Creek Park. For the first time since my husband’s stroke, he participated in party preparations for Hatha Yoga Center community celebrations. Shipments and refills of necessary supplements also have occurred perfect timing.

What blessings are revealed to you in the dark? What light do those blessings reflect? Ki to Happiness sees how the tiny match of admitting our needs, reaching out in our lowliness, illuminates the way through the darkness to see the omnipresent Support of the One in All.


Deepest Darkness

As we enter the deepest darkness of the year, we await the return of the light. If we make use of this time with meditation, we may be more able to see the light within. It’s always there, often upstaged by the glorious Sun and its illumination.

In the Gayatri mantra, we chant “ Oh Glorious Sun, subdue your dazzling splendor” so the light within is revealed. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we are blessed with these dark days to witness the seasons, the cycles, and have greater ease with which to access the light within. Connecting with others far and near brings us good cheer as we unite in the light of love.

How comfortable are you in the darkness? Have you experienced the light within? Ki to Happiness shares love and light from within having made peace with the darkness.


One year of Healing

Last year on this date while preparing to teach class, I fell and broke my left wrist. It has healed now and I have learned a great deal in the process. On the practical level, I learned to stop carrying too much in my hands at the same time, which is related to a lifelong pattern of doing too much.

Beyond that, I also learned that in my neighborhood I have tremendous helpers, including my chiropractor, acupuncturist, and Ayurvedic physician. I also learned I have great support and back up from those who covered my classes when I was unable, including Bob Smith, Chris List, Kelly Kalac and Karen Bullard.  In these ways, I am grateful for the injury as it has helped me evolve and grow on many levels.

Do you have a tendency to do too much? Who might help you so you don’t have to learn the hard way? Ki to Happiness heals and learns from mistakes, growing evermore grateful.


Prepared and Grateful

Amidst the classes and clients yesterday, I did all I could to prepare for last night’s second bomb cyclone this season. With assistance, I got all the back up battery chargers charged up so they could keep us with some power for our devices. I awakened early to see our outdoor lights shining, indicating our power is still on.

Gratitude washed over my body as I fed the cats and sat into my practice. I spread my gratitude out to those who assisted me. On the backside of this storm, we’ve had gusts to 50 mph and a couple of heavy squalls, following thunder and lightning.

How can you best prepare for the storms in your life?  When the storm has passed, even though another one may be on its way, can you express gratitude to those who’ve assisted you? Ki ti Happiness expresses gratitude for those who’ve assisted in preparation.


Rumi’s Wedding Day

The great poet Rumi is celebrated on this day. It’s referred to as his wedding day as it is believed that in death he married his beloved, Shams, who predeceased him in death. Their lives and love still inspire us since the 13th century.

As I read some of his poems, my own poet’s heart reawakens. In love and safety, we are moved to creative expression. I will read some of his works in my evening class and perhaps share some of my poetry as well.

What moves you to creative expression? How safe and loved do you feel? Ki to Happiness gives love from the safety of yoga practices.


Mercury direct

With the full moon behind us and Mercury direct, there is potential for improved communications, electronics, and travel. This is a great early Christmas gift to ease the way for our celebrations. Making use of what has been revealed during the full moon, we have an opportunity to make changes in how we proceed.

Traditions may be upgraded. Healthier choices are recommended. Gratitude for all that we’ve learned may invite us to slow down and behold the preciousness of each moment. 

What would you like to communicate? How can you best make use of the swifter electronics and transportation possibilities? Ki to Happiness enjoys the blessings of this cold, dark time of year.