
Lent 2025

For the next 40 days, much of the world observes Lent as others observe Ramadan. This coincidence means many peoples are fasting from usual habits in order to purify for spiritual purposes. Christian, Catholics, Muslims and Sufis are all united in these ways, giving a common bond toward renewal.

As some give up eating candy, drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes, others abstain from eating during the daylight hours. All are welcome to join in releasing habits that no longer serve. I will give up each conscious fear.

What are you willing to give up in order for spiritual renewal? What habits would you like to break? Ki to Happiness gives up fear in order to deepen into the safety of the One in All.


Guest room

In the world of synchronicities, we are shown that we are heading in the right direction. As signs of Divine Intervention, interpreting the message gives us encouragement to keep going on our path. When one of my clients shared her history of being from the same midwestern towns, I paid attention.

After many months of regular sessions and great progress, her need arose to revisit one of those towns. I’d mentioned that my mother had a guest room potentially for her lodging and we all set up a conference call to have them meet to see if it could be a good fit. As all worked out well, our next session likely will occur at a distance with her in the guest room as I remain here, in Seattle. 

What synchronicities have you been experiencing? How do you interpret those signs? Ki to Happiness follows the path Divine Guidance illuminates.


Marching Forth

Today’s date of March 4 is also a command when spelled differently. I have enjoyed turning it into my own personal holiday. I celebrate courage and bravery today as I take action following Higher Guidance in the direction of those things that have been daunting, difficult or scary for me.

I am marching forth with new additions to my many lifestyle changes. In time, they may become new habits. I build upon my past successes of previously marching forth on 3/4 and celebrate my journey.

What does your Higher Self want you to march forth toward? What small steps can you take today? Ki to Happiness marches forth toward Supreme Happiness, robust health and miraculous healing.


Returning on Ramadan

One of our students returned yesterday after six months in her homeland of the Middle East instead of six weeks as planned. The joy at our reunion overflowed into both classes as she offered gifts and treats which everyone enjoyed. We are relieved that she was able to extract herself from the conflicts abroad and avoided the treacherous earthquakes in Turkey as well as the many hindrances that extended her trip.

Her participation in our yoga classes assist her as she fasts during this holy month of Ramadan. She returns with minimal resources, so we have offered her an exchange program until she gets back on her feet again in this expensive city. New and old students whether Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, earth based spiritualists, atheists, or Buddhists all greeted her in her traditional hijab with peaceful equanimity as we practiced the unifying path of Hatha Yoga.

How committed are you to peace? What practices support you? Ki to Happiness unifies within to find peace and extends that to all with Hatha Yoga Center and our practices.


Taco Time

After teaching two well attended classes and conducting a private session in my nook, I rested. I got up, but felt low energy and didn’t want to make dinner. I pulled out some tempeh for myself, already baked from last week, and nibbled on it as I saw the taco shells on the kitchen shelf.

Soon I was in a flurry of taco preparations, which led to also making artichokes with garlic ghee, cilantro cornbread, roasted tzatziki potatoes, and tofu curry. Bob enjoyed his vegan tacos among the smorgasbord of options. One small nibble of tempeh fueled me with enough inspiration to use what we had on hand and prepare to feast all week.

What do you have on hand? What inspires you to assemble it into new and different creations? Ki to Happiness starts with one bite, and ends up with a feast.


Marching First

As we enter the month of March, we start to leave behind our winter coats. Clearing out the debris of the cold dark months, we begin again, anew. Discarding no longer useful items, reorganizing what remains, sweeping clean our spaces, we welcome the fresh energy available to us now.

These simple rituals connect us to nature. Opening the windows, we hear the bird songs. With lighter jackets, we march first into our future, having benefitted form our months of introspection and hibernation.

How will you welcome this new month? What simple rituals connect you to nature? Ki to Happiness marches into the future, grateful for all that has happened, bringing us to the present.


Resolve Itself

With the new moon upon us, the chaos and drama leading up to it may have resolved itself. New issues may appear to replace the old ones. With calm intentions, no doubt those issues will also resolve themselves in right timing.

Without forcing the river of change, doing one’s part to take action on the guidance received, we work together with the Universe for progress.  The planets align, and parade in their Divine timing, not mine. Accepting one’s role may be humbling, yet also freeing.

What actions are you guided to take?  Can you accept your role? Ki to Happiness takes action to support Divine timing. 


Pisces new moon

Today’s new moon occurs while we have the planetary parade. With it brings emotional drama. During times like this it’s very important to stay centered and grounded, so the emotions don’t take you off your true intention

I find it helpful to watch for the spaces between issues to find center naturally emerging. For instance, scheduling conflicts suddenly found resolution, so I chose to pay attention to that, or when the cats knocked over the tripod light stand without breaking and the cats came back on my lap, I shift my focus to all being well. I witness the righting of one’s ship, the calm between storms and set my intentions for a month of peaceful progress.

How are you navigating these dramatic energies? What helps release drama and chaos and return to your truest intention? Ki to Happiness practices choosing where to put attention through daily yoga practice so times like these don’t derail me.


Stretching at the Barre

After the winds and rain calmed down, the students attending my evening class wanted stretching in our safe studio, fully empowered with light and heat. After sun salutations for warm-up, we headed to the barre, which offered support and alignment attention. Releasing tension and stress from their bodies, class ended with smiles and hugs.

Providing a safe container for these practices brings me joy. Sharing the gift of yoga, we all welcome its natural ability to reset bodies and minds back on track for each person’s Highest intention. All report feeling better after class than before, without exception, always.

How quickly can you recover after the storms in your life? What always helps? Ki to Happiness always recovers with Hatha Yoga.


Still Here

This atmospheric river has challenged power and connectivity. During one of my private sessions yesterday, the call failed 17 times. I was able to send texts saying I’m still here, repeatedly.

Class attendance stayed up even as the storm raged outside. Our live stream maintained its connection. With 33,000 in our area without power, I’m happy to report that I’m still here, Hatha Yoga Center is still here, and that our power, heat, and light are also still here.

How are you doing in this storm? What helps you stay grounded and centered in each of life‘s storms? Ki to Happiness practices yoga and gratitude through every kind of storm.