
Yesterday today

As we continue safely starting to reopen, I am thrilled to be able to greet you today. With tremendous assistance from many people, all of my technological problems are solved. And my kitchen is clean.

I’ve grown tremendously in compassion for all the tech workers. Tending to basic needs while focusing on technology I now recognize is very challenging. The brain requires nutrition, regularly. Yoga brings me a keen sense of balance in my life. I have returned to Balance, and love sharing it with you.

Are you techie? A foodie? Ki to Happiness is learning from both.


Today today


tomorrow today

As we continue to safely start to reopen in Seattle, I’m learning to balance technology with nutrition. Many techies have led the way. These devices require nutrition.

Eating healthy require preparation. Marketing, cooking, serving and clean up. Shifting from one to the other, with clean and dry hands, with balanced breathing all go in to the sauce.

What have you learned about food and technology?How are you doing with it now? Ki to Happiness is cooking.


Eclipse has passed

This morning we have more calming energies. The fullness as of the moon is resolving itself. The moment of the eclipse has passed. What remains is a slow safe start in my area.

The cats have stopped fighting. The air is clearing itself of the fireworks debris. Communication and scheduling issues are straightening themselves out. And with all the retrograde planets, there may be some positive memories coming up.

Do you feel the shift? How quickly can you let go of the stressful energy? Ki to Happiness releases into this next now moment.


The “Karens”

I understand that there is an increasingly large, loud, pushy group of middle-aged white women who are together referred to as The Karen’s. Having had enough of being ignored and marginalized, they are making sure that they’re being heard.

In my life, I have loved many with that name. I’d prefer we not use the name to refer to this trendy phenomenon. I understand the frustrations of being discriminated against as a woman. As LGBTQ and BLM gain rights and respect, it seems this group also deserves the same.

Are you feeling seen and heard? Are your rights being respected? Ki to Happiness supports all efforts toward equality.


Independence Day

Greetings on this day of celebration. Americans have been blessed from all the efforts of those who painstakingly broke away from England. We have potentially enjoyed great freedom, education, reproductive and religious rights, freedom of speech. And many more benefits, as well as particular limitations uniquely American.

As a female, I have especially appreciated my ability to travel. Doing so has opened my awareness to the many different ways of living. I am honored to be able to continue to enjoy the many ways I have learned to live, in relative peace and freedom for nearly 60 years.

What benefits are you aware of at this “land of opportunity” affords? How are you dealing with the limitations? Ki to Happiness celebrates this day with the internal fireworks of yoga, utilizing the benefits and dancing with the limitations.


Visibly shaken

Yesterday, my husband returned from his weekly outing. He was masked. And he got what he went after. His report of his experience was that it was terrifying. At the Target store across the street, there was a large threatening shoplifter who yelled that he would shoot the security guards if they did not allow him to exit with his merchandise, multiple 12 packs of beer.

As he left, my husband proceeded to check out. And in departing the store, he saw across the street that an entire store front has been blown out. Glass was everywhere. It looked like someone drove a large vehicle intentionally into the glass store front. Metal frame for the door was bent. Twisted. Distorted.

Are you safe where you live and work? How do you respond to other’s terror? Ki to Happiness responds with gratitude from my portable safety zone, extending that to others.



I’m so appreciative right now of my helpers. In yesterday‘s blog I mentioned that I was having some computer assistance. Turning to others with my need humbles me.

As a professional helper, I have offered the help I’ve received to others. I have nothing to offer that I did not receive through grace. One of my greatest lifelong strengths is my recognition that I have needed help. From my early days in grade school needing teachers to clarify instructions, to my computer issues requiring 3 others, I ask.

Who has helped you? Who do you help? Ki to Happiness loves being part of the circle of helpers.


Streaking anyway

Dear readers, I’m sorry for the confusion. My last attempt at posting my blog have gone to an old blog post. Thank you for tracking on what you have been able to find, anyway. Mostly I want you to know that I am out here, thinking of you, as we continue to safely start.

My efforts with healing, and sharing that healing with others, has left me with lots to learn about technology. I am catching up. May it be in time to serve you well.

What are you learning lots about now? How do you proceed when you experience blockage? Ki to Happiness proceeds with support from others.


Dear readers

I am sorry for the break in my blog streak. My blogs have been posting to my old site. Let me try and see if I can get this here for you today. And you could still read those blog posts on my Facebook page. They are entitled humanity, and the Long view.