
Earth Guest

On this Earth Day, I will honor the chunk of earth that is hosting my spirit. My physical body gives my spirit a place to grow. As I practice and teach Hatha Yoga, I tend to it like a garden, pulling weeds, planting seeds and watering.

Removing the weeds of negative thinking, I have more room to plant seeds of gratitude and water them with patience and loving attention. Grounding, I look around me and appreciate the trees outside my window, the soil which sustains them as they receive the rain and reach towards the sun. In my years on Earth I have become a better guest on this host planet, learning the way of the great teacher, Nature.

Have a good a guest are you? What gift would you like to give your host on this Earth Day? Ki to Happiness offers the gift of Hatha Yoga to her body mind and will plant flowers to beautify the Hatha Yoga Center.