
Fairy Godmother

Today is the last day of our present location’s ownership by our landlady/lord. Their magical presence in my life will remain even as we shift our rent payments to the new owner’s management. Our few interactions will forever be a part of our transition here.

She invoked for me a feeling I’ve had a few times in my life: a perfect stranger who shows up at just the right time in the exact way needed to bring about a desired outcome. Like a fairy godmother granting my wish, with the simple stroke of a pen, she granted us shelter from injustice resulting in our new happy home and studio. Her husband also radiated that blend of humor, ability, and seriousness required to partner her in order to bring magic back into our lives.

Who are the magical strangers in your life? Can you join me in honoring them today in some simple way? Ki to Happiness thanks her Fairy Godmother for showing up in the form of our landlady this month.