
Peaceful creativity

Staying steady and focused as we continue to slowly reopen with plenty of time staying home and staying healthy is my ongoing mission. Yesterday, there were several very challenging energies upon most folks whom I encountered. I am thankful my many practices, and the many challenges I have previously faced, all preparing me well enough.

No doubt you are experiencing this, too. Difficult to find peace within if constantly bombarded with tension. Especially hard to keep creative juices moving forward when hindered by stressors. Any progress at this time, is miraculous.

Are you able to find your inner peace? Can you do something creative with that energy?Ki to Happiness peacefully and creatively proceeds, anyway.

2 replies on “Peaceful creativity”

I love this reminder of peacefully persevering and keeping one’s creative head up and heart open in the midst of Saturnian heaviness and challenge . In surrendering gracefully to the times , you don’t deny your humanness either , which is inspiring .

I love this reminder of peacefully persevering and keeping one’s creative head up and heart open in the midst of Saturnian heaviness and challenge . In surrendering gracefully to the times , you don’t deny your humanness either , which is inspiring .

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